Monday, 29 October 2018 |
12:00 |
Registration (outside of Pyle rooms 325-326) |
12:30 |
Welcome |
Ralf Bennartz |
Workshop Aims |
Andy Heidinger |
Organizational Matters |
Maria Vasys |
13:00 |
13:00 |
Status and update on ICWG |
Dong Wu |
Agency reports (10 minutes each) |
— NOAA |
Andrew Heidinger |
Alessio Lattanzio |
— CMA |
— KMA |
Ki-Hong Park |
— JMA |
Haruma Ishida |
— NASA |
Kerry Meyer |
— ESA |
— IMD |
R. K. Giri |
15:00 |
Coffee Break |
15:30 |
Link GSICS |
Dave Doelling (WebEx) |
15;45 |
Highlights of the 14th IWW and the CGMS-46 |
Steve Wanzong |
16:00 |
Link IPWG |
Benjamin Johnson |
16:15 |
Link to ITWG |
Liam Gumley |
16:30 |
Discussion & Recommendations |
17:00 |
Poster Reception (Pyle room 313) |
Tuesday, 30 October 2018 |
CoChairs: Bryan Baum (a.m.) and Anja Hünerbein (p.m.) |
08:30 |
Keynote : Progress and challenges in generating multi-instrument imager cloud data records: MODIS, VIIRS and AHI |
Steve Platnick |
09:00 |
Towards Continuity in IR Absorption Radiances from MODIS and VIIRS |
Bryan Baum |
09:15 |
Advances Cloud Radiance Simulation using the Community Radiative Transfer Model |
Benjamin Johnson |
09:30 |
A practical way to detect and quantify the 3-D radiative effects in passive cloud property retrievals: theoretical basis and feasibility study |
Zhibo Zhang |
09:45 |
Tuning of the NWCSAF cloud mask algorithm for the future meteorological geostationary Satellite MTG |
Gaëlle Kerdraon |
10:00 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 |
Current status of Geo-KOMPSAT-2A Cloud Detection Algorithm in NMSC/KMA |
Hee-Ae Kim |
10:45 |
Improvement of operational cloud products by Meteorological Satellite Center of Japan Meteorological Agency |
Haruma Ishida |
11:00 |
Cloud property retrieval from SEVIRI and METimage at EUMETSAT |
Philip Watts |
11:15 |
Cirrus clouds in the far infrared: some highlights from the FORUM mission Phase-A study |
Tiziano Maestri |
11:30 |
The characterization of ice cloud properties from Himawari-8/AHI measurements |
Husi Letu |
11:45 |
Lunch Break (on own) |
13:00 |
Investigating the sensitivity of SEVIRI liquid cloud optical properties retrieval to illumination conditions using two MSG satellites |
Nikos Benas |
13:15 |
Cubesat mission for cloud heights and winds |
Mike Kelly |
13:30 |
The EarthCARE Multi Spectral Imager cloud products |
Anja Hünerbein |
13:45 |
Use of Sounder Cloud Products to Improve Imager Cloud Products and Derived Motion Vectors |
Andrew Heidinger |
14:00 |
CALIOP trained neural network cloud top pressure and height for imagers |
Nina Håkansson |
14:15 |
A fast cloud retrieval algorithm using GOME-2 measurements of the Oxygen B-band |
Marine Desmons |
Chair: Ralf Bennartz |
14:30 |
Poster presentations (1 slide, 1 minute) |
15:00 |
Coffee Break |
15:00 |
Poster session |
18:30 |
End of day |
Wednesday, 31 October 2018 |
Chair: Jerome Riedi |
08:30 |
Keynote : Cloud Masking in Passive Imagery: Recent Advancements and Assessments Utilising CALIPSO-CALIOP Data |
Karl Goran Karlsson |
09:00 |
Indirect aerosol forcing estimates over southeast and northeast Atlantic marine stratiform clouds |
Seethala Chellappan |
09:15 |
Intercomparison of cloud retrievals from Himawari-8 over five issued areas |
Hye-Sil Kim |
09:30 |
Validation of cloud top height and microphysics retrieved from meteorological geostationary satellites using NWCSAF/GEO SW |
Hervé Le Gléau |
09:45 |
Performance of cloud amount of three satellite cloud climate date records over the Tibetan Plateau |
Jian Liu |
10:00 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 |
Evaluating the MODIS C6 multilayer cloud detection and phase algorithms through comparisons with CALIOP and CloudSat |
Benjamin Marchant |
10:45 |
Evaluation of Satellite Imager Ice Cloud Retrievals using CALIPSO and CloudSat Data |
William Smith |
11:00 |
Global statistics of microphysical properties of cloud-top ice crystals |
Bastiaan van Diedenhoven |
11:15 |
Validation of Cloud Fraction Estimates from Passive Imagers Using CALIOP Observations with Attention to the Effects of Spatial Resolution |
Chris Yost |
11:30 |
Assessment of 3MI cloud retrieval algorithms by means of highly realistic synthetic test data |
Jerome Riedì |
11:45 |
Group Picture/Lunch break (on own) |
BREAKOUT SESSIONS (Pyle Center Rooms 209, 220, 325-326, 335) |
13:00 |
Breakout Session Topics: Retrieval Methods, Cloud Masking, Cloud Parameter Assessments, Microwave |
15:00 |
Summary & Recommendations |
15:30 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Andi Walther |
16:00 |
Keynote: WMO SCOPE-Nowcasting: Activities of Relevance to the ICWG |
Mike Pavalonis |
16:30 |
Analysis of Severe Storms and Aircraft Engine Icing Conditions using Multispectral Geostationary
Imager Data |
Kristopher Bedka |
16:45 |
Application of the GOES-R Series Cloud Mask to generate Clear Sky and All Sky Radiance Products for Data Assimilation |
Sharon Nebuda |
17:00 |
Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Aviation Initiative |
Jeffrey Weinrich |
17:15 |
Cloud properties for irradiance retrievals |
Marion Schroedter-Homscheldt |
17:30 |
On the influence of spatial and temporal resolution for retrieving solar surface irradiance from METEOSAT SEVIRI |
Hartwig Deneke |
17:45 |
End of day |
Thursday, 1 November 2018 |
Chair: Brian Kahn |
08:30 |
Keynote : ESA Climate Change Initiative cloud property data sets |
Caroline Poulsen |
09:00 |
A 38 year record of UV cloud albedo from UV sensing instruments: inter-satellite calibration, trends and response in cloudiness during El Nino events |
Clark Weaver |
09:15 |
Cloud trends from 15 years of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder observations |
Brian Kahn |
09:30 |
Relative radiometric calibration – Addressing a key challenge for achieving continuity of NASA cloud climate data records from Aqua-MODIS to SNPP-VIIRS |
Kerry Meyer |
09:45 |
10:00 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 |
PATMOS-x version 6.0: A new cloud climatology from 37 years of global AVHRR+HIRS data |
Caroline Poulsen |
10:45 |
Dissecting effects of orbital drift of polar-orbiting satellites on ccuracy and trends of cloud fraction climate data records |
Jedrzej Bojanowski |
11:00 |
An assessment of the impacts of cloud vertical heterogeneity on global ice cloud records from passive satellite retrievals |
Chenxi Wang |
11:15 |
Impacts of clouds in the generation of Climate Data Records at EUMETSAT from Meteosat within the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) |
Alessio Lattanzio |
11:30 |
Global and regional estimates of warm cloud droplet number concentration based on 13 years of AQUA-MODIS observations |
John Rausch |
11:45 |
Lunch break (on own) |
BREAKOUT SESSIONS (Pyle Center Rooms 209, 220, 325-326, 335) |
13:00 |
Breakout Session Topics: Severe Weather, Climate, Wind, International Links |
Summary & Recommendations |
15:30 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Dong Wu |
16:00 |
Keynote: Microwave remote sensing of liquid clouds |
Tom Greenwald |
16:30 |
CLIMCAPS: Use of the AIRS/AMSU and CrIS/ATMS continuity sounding product for cloud feedback studies |
Chris Barnet |
16:45 |
Combined MW and NIR remote sensing of clouds |
Ralf Bennartz |
17:00 |
The 183 GHz Channels for Long-Term Upper-Tropospheric Cloud Ice |
Dong Wu |
17:15 |
Floating Snow Diurnal Cycle Inferred from Global Precipitation Measurement Microwave Imager (GPM-GMI) using CloudSat as the Baseline |
Jie Gong |
17:30 |
Social Hour (Alumni Lounge) |
18:00 |
Banquet (Alumni Lounge) |
Friday, 2 November 2018 |
Chairs: Andrew Heidinger and Dong Wu |
08:30 |
Presentations of WG Algorithms |
09:30 |
Presentations of WG Assessments |
Coffee Break |
10:30 |
Presentations of WG Weather Applications |
11:30 |
Presentations of WG Climate applications |
12:30 |
Final Plenary Discussion and Wrap-up |
13:00 |
Departure |