Date Title Venue Presenter Link
March 2023 GOES Views Canada, and what's coming with GeoXO Stay Connected Seminar, Training Development Division, ECCC Scott Lindstrom PowerPoint
March 2023 SAR Data observations over the Pacific Ocean Australian VLab Center of Excellence Monthly Webinar Scott Lindstrom PowerPoint
March 2023 Forecasting at High Latitudes requires both GEO and LEO satellites VAWS -- Virtual Alaska Weather Symposia Scott Lindstrom PowerPoint
February 2023 Training Forecasters to use Satellite data Worldwide JPSS Science Seminar Series (recording) Scott Lindstrom PowerPoint
August 2022 Data Sources (GOES and JPSS) Scott Lindstrom PowerPoint
January 13 2021 CIMSS Training Activities (AMS Talk) Recorded AMS Presentation Scott Lindstrom PowerPoint
January 12 2021 CSPPGeoSphere talk at AMS Recorded AMS Presentation David Hoese PowerPoint
September 14 2020 FDTD Satellite Application Webinars Recorded Poster for NWA Scott Lindstrom PowerPoint
May 6 2020 Training on GOES-R IFR Probability fields YouTube Video Scott Lindstrom PowerPoint
April 10 2020 Machine-Learning for Turbulence Detection by Satellite Recorded Training Scott Lindstrom PowerPoint
March 26 2020 NUCAPS and Gridded NUCAPS for WFO CAE Recorded Training Scott Lindstrom PowerPoint
February 25 2020 GOES16 and NUCAPS Moisture Comparison 623-A SSEC Scott Lindstrom Link
February 12 2020 How NUCAPS and Gridded NUCAPS can help you Univ of Fairbanks Virtual Alaska Webinar Series Scott Lindstrom Link
January 2020 FDTD Satellite Applications Webinars: Peer-to-peer training for the National Weather Service 2020 AMS Meeting in Boston Scott Lindstrom Link
January 2020 Training Activities at CIMSS 2020 AMS Meeting in Boston Scott Lindstrom Link
January 2020 The SSEC Tech Equity Camp 2020 AMS Meeting in Boston Scott Lindstrom Link
4 December 2019 CIMSS Training Products Relevant to the Pacific Rim AOMSUC-10, Melbourne, Australia Scott Lindstrom Link
12 November 2019 How do Forecast Offices in the National Weather Service use GOES-R and JPSS Data? Local AMS/NWA Chapter Meeting, Memphis, TN Scott Lindstrom Link
8 July 2019 RGBs: Composite Imagery with Red, Green and Blue Components GOES-R Short Course Lunch Speaker, IUGG/CMOS, Montrel Canada Scott Lindstrom Link
12 June 2019 Geostationary Satellite Improvements for Better Viewing of Alaska and Surrounding Areas Virtual Alaska Weather Symposium Tim Schmit Link
7 January 2019 Training Resources for GOES-R AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix Mat Gunshor Link