The orignal presentation handout with all abstracts
Jean-Pierre Blanchet: Aerosol, Cloud, Radiation, Precipitation and Circulation Interactions in the Arctic as Revealed by CloudSat-CALIPSO during Winter
Diana Bou Karam: CALIPSO observations on dust emission and transport associated with Saharan cyclones: The February 2007 case
James Campbell: Assimilating CALIPSO Aerosol Profiles to Investigate Saharan Dust Storm Phenomenology
Helene Chepfer: Evaluation of the cloudiness simulated by several climate models using CALIPSO and PARASOL observations.
Jim Coakley: CALIPSO-MODIS Observations of Increases in Aerosol Optical Depths in the Vicinity of Marine Stratocumulus
Gijs De Boer: In Search of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Arctic Mixed-Phase Stratiform Clouds
Elizabeth Dupont: Cluster Analysis of Atlantic Cirrus Clouds and Synoptic Scale Dynamics of Growing and Dissipating Cirrus Events
Peter Falcon: NASA EDCAT's science and outreach metric reporting
Richard Ferrare: Using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Data to Evaluate Combined CALIPSO-MODIS Retrievals of Aerosol Extinction Profiles
Ziad Haddad: Combining radar profiles from CloudSat with AMSR-E and AMSU-B passive microwave radiometric observations to estimate precipitation in polar regions
Daniel Henz: A 2-d modeling approach for studying the formation, maintenance, and decay of Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) cirrus associated with Deep Convection
Robert Holz: Uncertainties of cirrus OD retrievals from active and passive A-Train measurements
Robert Houze: Structure of Mesoscale Convective System Anvil Clouds as Seen by CloudSat
Hu: A study of the link between sulfate particles and the presence of supercooled water
Anthony Illingworth: Drizzle rates inferred from CloudSat/Calipso compared to their representation in the operational forecast models
Eric Jensen: Using heating rates derived from CALIPSO measurements to diagnose transport pathways through the tropical tropopause layer
Tristan L’Ecuyer: Evidence of Giant CCN Impacts on Maritime Cloud Properties
Zhanqing Li: Warm rain detection and impact by aerosols
Johnny Luo: Deep Convective Processes from the A-Train Perspective
Brian Kahn: Observations of small-scale variability of cloud water content, temperature, and water vapor
Terry Kubar: Towards an Improved Understanding of the Boundary Layer and Vertical Cloud Structure in the Transition from the Tropical to Subtropical Pacific Cross Section
Gerald Mace: The vertical distribution of cloud occurrence within the ISCCP cloud top pressure-optical depth regimes
Hal Maring: Status Report of ACE and ROSES
Steven Miller: Statistical Extension of CloudSat Curtain Observations to a Regional Swath
Patrick Minnis: New Formulas for Estimating Cloud Thickness from Satellite Imagery Based on CloudSat-CALIPSO Data
Jean-Jacques Morcrette: Using CloudSat/CALIPSO to validate GEMS-AER analyses and forecasts
Catherine Naud: Cloud vertical distribution across warm fronts from CloudSat-CALIPSO and the GISS GCM
Jacques Pelon: High Cloud properties from IIR and CALIOP observations
Michael Pitts: Studies of Polar Stratospheric Cloud Coverage and Composition
Jens Redemann: The combined use of MODIS, CALIPSO and OMI level 2 aerosol products for calculating direct aerosol radiative effects
Matt Rogers: Comparison of CEN and CloudSat 2B-CLDCLASS observations
William Rossow: Overview of New Level 3 products
Michael Schwartz: A Co-occurrence Statistics of Tropical Tropopause Layer Cirrus with Lower Cloud Layers as Derived from CloudSat and Calipso Data
Geneviève Sèze: Comparison of SEVIRI Cloud Vertical distribution with new space Lidar observation
Irina Sokolik: Characterization of Direct and Indirect Forcing of Mineral Dust Using CALIPSO Space Lidar Data in Conjunction with A-Train Observations and a Regional Transport Model WRF-DuMo
Graeme Stephens: Overview of CloudSat Products and Science
David Stokowski: A CALIPSO Subvisible Cirrus Climatology with Initial Comparisons with CAM4 Microphysics
Hui Su: Evaluate Cloud Simulations in Climate Models using CloudSat Observations
Simone Tanelli: Cloud Profiling Radar: status, performance and new products
Joao Teixeira: Cloud Parameterizations and Satellite Observations
Owen Toon: Studies of polar stratospheric clouds, tropical stratospheric clouds and tropospheric aerosols using CALIPSO data, modeling and laboratory support
Chip Trepte: Brief Overview of CALIPSO Mission
Deborah Vane: Brief Overview of CloudSat Mission
Ulla Wandinger: Long-term aerosol and cloud database from correlative CALIPSO and EARLINET observations
Zhien Wang: The abundance and challenge of mixed-phase clouds: a new perspective from CloudSat and CALIPSO measurements
Tobias Wehr: Status Report EarthCARE
David Winker: Overview of Version 3 Data Products
Robert Wood: Precipitation and albedo variability in marine low clouds
The orignal poster handout with all abstracts
Tim Berkoff: Multiple scattering measurements for possible implmentation in the Micro-Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET)
Diana Bou Karam: Dusty gust front at synoptic scale, initiated and maintained by moist convection over the Sahara
Katie Carbonari: A Comparison between GOES derived clouds and CALIPSO optical depths
Gregory Cesana: The GCM Oriented Calipso Cloud Product
Jung Hyo Chae: Tropical Deep convection and cirrus cloud from CALIPSO
Thomas Charlock: Application of CALIOP, CloudSAT, CERES, and MODIS Data to Evaluation of Archived CERES Surface and Atmosphere Radiation Budget (SARB)
Anne (Wei-Ting) Chen: Developing and applying a CloudSat-centric A-Train and ECMWF analysis data set to better characterize
Zhong Chen: Use of Calipso Aerosol Vertical Distribution in OMI Retrieval
Mian Chin: Comparisons of aerosol types and associated lidar ratios between CALIOP data and GOCART model
Hyoun-Myoung Cho: Comparison of cloud phases derived by MODIS and CALIOP products
Min Deng: Tropical cloud variations in 3D from CloudSat and CALIPSO during the 2006/08 El Nino and La Nino period
Min Deng: Ice cloud profiling retrieval using CloudSat CPR and CALIPSO lidar
Jacques Descloitres: CALIPSO/CloudSat Products and Services at ICARE
Andrew Dessler: Clouds and water vapor in the northern hemisphere summertime stratosphere
Timothy Dunkerton: Convective and stratiform cloud distributions in tropical cyclogenesis
Jean - Francois Gayet: CALIPSO validation
Brian Getzewich: Overview of a New CALIPSO LIDAR Level 2 Cloud Phase Discrimination Algorithm Used in Version 3.0 Data Release
Brian Getzewich: Initial Comparison of CALIPSO 1064nm Calibration Clouds with Coincident CloudSat Measurements
Tom Greenwald: Evaluation of CloudSat Liquid Water Path Observations using CALIPSO, AMSR-E and MODIS Cloud Products
John Haynes: Southern Ocean Cloudiness: A Combined A-Train and ISCCP Perspective
Andrew Heidinger: Improving Passive Cloud Retrievals with CALIPSO
Daniel Henz: A 2d modeling approach for studying the formation, maintenance, and decay of Tropical Tropopause Layer Cirrus associated with Deep Convection utilizing observations from the Tropical Composition, Clouds and Climate Coupling Experiment.
Andrew Heymsfield: Towards improved estimates of mass weighted fallspeeds and snowfall rates from CloudSat and CALIPSO
Richard D. Hildner: Understanding Aerosol-Cloud Interactions In Ice Saturated Environments Using CALIOP And AHSRL
Michael Hiley: Global Snowfall Measurement with the CloudSat Space-borne Radar
Chris Hostetler: Validation of CALIOP Aerosol Backscatter and Extinction Profile Products Using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Data
David Hudak: Results from the Canadian CloudSat CALIPSO Validation Project
William (Bill) Hunt: CALIOP Performance Over The First Three Years
Jonathan Jiang: On Studying of Aerosol Cloud interactions using CloudSat and CALIPSO datasets
Benjamin Johnson: Snowfall retrievals using CloudSat and passive microwave observations
Damien Josset: CALIPSO-CLOUDSAT cross-calibration using the ocean surface echo
Seiji Kato: Improvement of radiative flux computation using CALIPSO and CloudSat data
Mark Kulie: Utilizing space-borne radars to retrieve dry snowfall
Tristan L'Ecuyer: Evaluating and Improving Global Estimates of Rainfall Incidence Using CloudSat Observations
Wing Yee Hester Leung: Potential Reduction of Uncertainty in Microwave Precipitation Retrieval by the Inclusion of Dynamic and Thermodynamic Constraints as part of the Cloud Dynamics and Radiation Database Approach
Jui-Lin (Frank) Li: Applying CloudSat/A-Train and ECMWF analysis data sets to constrain and evaluate cloud and convection parameterizations in climate models
Dong Liu: Quantify Global Mineral Dust Distribution and Properties with CALIPSO Measurements
Guosheng Liu: Characteristics of snow clouds derived from CloudSat and other A-Train satellites
Yinghui Liu: Errors in Cloud Detection over the Arctic and its Implications for Observing Feedback Mechanisms
Ninoslav Majurec: Studies of Sea Surface Normalized Radar Cross Sections Observed by CloudSat
Roger Marchand: Trade Cumulus as observed from CloudSat and Calipso
Edouard Martins: Microphysical signature of formation of cirrus clouds related to dynamical conditions of the UTLS
Sergey Matrosov: CloudSat view of land falling hurricanes
Shaima Nasiri: Comparison of cloud phases derived by MODIS and CALIOP products
Hovakim Nazaryan: Characterization of cirrus clouds using CALIPSO data
Feng Niu: The influence of aerosols on rainfall frequency from ground-based observations and future studies using CloudSat/CALIPSO data
Vincent Noel: Ice clouds studies at IPSL/LMD
Yoo-Jeong Noh: Satellite and aircraft observations of wintertime mid-level mixed-phase clouds
Hajime Okamoto: Cloud particle type occurrences and microphysics from CloudSat and CALIPSO
Ali Omar: Extinction to Backscatter Ratios of Saharan Dust Layers as Observed by In-Situ Measurements during NAMMA and CALIPSO Overflights
Ali Omar: The CALIPSO Aerosol Classification Scheme
Min Oo: Improved Aerosol Optical Depth retrieval using combined MODIS-CALIPSO sensor
Gelsomina Pappalardo: EARLINET correlative measurements for CALIPSO
Michael Pavolonis: Cloud Microphysical Properties from CALIOP and Infrared Radiances
Sophie Peyridieu: Dust infrared optical depth and altitude retrieved from 6 years of AIRS observations: a focus on Saharan dust using A-Train synergy (MODIS, CALIOP)
Leonhard Pfister: Use of CLOUDSAT and CALIPSO data in evaluating the effect of convection and clouds on water in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
Kathleen Powell: CALIOP Laser Switch Consistency Between LOM 2 and LOM 1 CALIOP Level 1B Major Algorithm Improvements Implemented in Version 3 CALIOP 532-nm Daytime Calibration Version 3 Results
Pallav Ray: An Analysis of the Vertical Structure of Cloud Ice under Different Precipitation Regimes: CloudSat versus GCM Simulations
Jessica Ram: Observing drizzling marine stratocumulus
John Reagan: Progress on Approaches for Maximizing the Aerosol Information Retrievable from CALIPSO Observations
Donald Reinke: CloudSat Data Processing Update and Reprocessing Plan
Lorraine Remer: Testing a joint Lidar-MODIS retrieval using airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar, sunphotometer and in situ data.
Jerome Riedi: Remote sensing of aerosols over clouds from A-Train observations
Raymond Rogers: Validation of CALIOP Aerosol Backscatter and Extinction Profile Products Using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Data
Kaori Sato: Use of Cloudsat/CALIPSO data and model outputs to asses the usuage of Earthcare Doppler
Gregory Schuster: CALIPSO Aerosol Optical Depth Comparison with AERONET
Alexander Sinyuk: Validation of CALIPSO aerosol retrievals by AERONET (2): joint sun-photometer/lidar inversion.
Gail Skofronick-Jackson: Retrievals of Precipitating Snow Using CloudSat Reflectivities and High Frequency Brightness Temperatures
Eric A. Smith: Improving Our Understanding of Spectral Diurnal Variability of Precipitation By Observationally Enhancing TRMM Profiles with CloudSat Profiles of Rain Rate
William Smith Jr.: Evaluation of GOES and RUC cloud parameters over CONUS with CloudSat and CALIPSO data
William Smith Sr.: Validation of Climate Sounding Algorithm Cloud Heights
Jeremy Solbrig: Thin Cloud Length Scales Using CALIPSO and CloudSat Data
Olaf Stiller: Tackling the Representativity Problem
Kentaroh Suzuki: A study of warm cloud microphysics using multi-sensor satellite observations and cloud-resolving models
Didier Tanré: Dust infrared optical depth and altitude retrieved from 6 years of AIRS observations: a focus on Saharan dust using A-Train synergy (MODIS, CALIOP)
Omar Torres: Use of CALIPSO aerosol vertical distribution in OMI retrievals
Mark Vaughan: An assessment of CALIOP's 1064 nm Calibration Algorithm
Mark Vaughan: CALIOP Version 3 Algorithm and Data Product Updates
Mark Vaughan: The CALIOP Version 3 Profile Products
Jean-Paul Vernier: CALIOP calibration adjustment with GOMOS stellar occulation extinction
Jean-Paul Vernier: The tropical stratospheric aerosol layer from CALIOP observations
Tom Vonder Haar: Observations of the Double Intertropical Convergence Zone Using CloudSat
Ulla Wandinger: Long-term aerosol and cloud database from correlative CALIPSO and EARLINET observations
David Winker: Global Aerosol Observations from CALIPSO
Norman Wood: Progress toward a CloudSat Level 2 Snowfall product
Hongbin Yu: Global view of aerosol vertical distributions from CALIPSO lidar measurements and GOCART simulations: Regional and seasonal variations
Pengwang Zhai: A Vector Radiative Transfer Model for Coupled Atmosphere and Ocean Systems
Qiuqing Zhang: Improvements to the 2B-Geoprof-Lidar Product
Yuying Zhang: Evaluation of cloud systems of CAM3 using the combined CloudSat and CALIPSO observations