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Category: RealEarth

Eruption of Kambalny volcano in Kamchatka, Russia

The Kambalny volcano in far southern Kamchatka, Russia erupted around 2120 UTC on 24 March 2017. A Himawari-8 “Target Sector” was positioned over that region — providing rapid-scan (2.5-minute interval) imagery — as seen in a 2-panel comparison of AHI Visible (0.64 µm) and Infrared Window (10.4 µm) data covering... Read More

Grass fires in Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas

Widespread large grass fires began to burn across parts of northwestern Oklahoma, southwestern Kansas, and the Texas Panhandle on 06 March 2017. The fires grew very quickly during the late morning and early afternoon hours, due to strong southwesterly winds (with gusts as high as 67 mph in Oklahoma) behind a dryline... Read More