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Severe Convection in Montana

Severe thunderstorms developed across parts of Montana on 16 June 2007, producing heavy rainfall (2-6 inches), large hail (up to 3 inches in diameter), damaging winds (gusting to 89 mph), and isolated tornadoes (SPC storm reports). GOES-11 10.7µm InfraRed (IR) imagery (above; Java animation) indicated cloud top brightness temperature values were as cold as -68º... Read More

GOES-11 10.7µm IR image

Severe thunderstorms developed across parts of Montana on 16 June 2007, producing heavy rainfall (2-6 inches), large hail (up to 3 inches in diameter), damaging winds (gusting to 89 mph), and isolated tornadoes (SPC storm reports). GOES-11 10.7µm InfraRed (IR) imagery (above; Java animation) indicated cloud top brightness temperature values were as cold as -68º C (dark red enhancement) with these storms.

GOES-11 visible image

A closer view using GOES-11 visible channel imagery (above; Java animation) shows the storms in the Billings (KBIL) and Glasgow (KGGW) regions. Of particular interest was the northernmost Glasgow storm, whose northwest-to-southeast track deviated from that of the other eastward or northeastward-moving areas of convection over eastern Montana that day. Also note that the southernmost Billings storm exhibited a well-defined anvil plume after about 00:00 UTC on 17 June — this anvil plume was quite apparent in the visible imagery, but did not seem to exhibit much of a signal in the IR imagery (below).

GOES-11 visible + IR image

The large hail (driven by strong winds) from the northernmost Glasgow storm produced extensive damage to the wheat, alfalfa, and corn crops in that region — Tanja Fransen (WCM, NWS Glasgow) alerted us to the fact that the northwest-to-southeast oriented hail damage swath was clearly evident on Aqua MODIS true color imagery on 20 June, 4 days following the storm (below). A Java image fader applet allows a comparison between the MODIS images on 10 June (before the storm) and 20 June (after the storm), further highlighting hail damage swath. NWS Glasgow measured the damage swath to be about 285 miles long, and up to 12 miles wide (NWS public information statement).

Aqua MODIS true color image

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Convective outflow boundaries off the coast of Cuba

A series of low-level convective outflow boundaries was seen moving off the coast of Cuba on 08 June 2007. GOES-12 visible imagery (above; Java animation) shows the narrow convex cloud bands as they propagated across... Read More

GOES-12 visible image

A series of low-level convective outflow boundaries was seen moving off the coast of Cuba on 08 June 2007. GOES-12 visible imagery (above; Java animation) shows the narrow convex cloud bands as they propagated across the offshore waters; note how new convection was seen to develop where adjacent outflow boundaries intersected.

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Upper Midwest Severe Thunderstorm Outbreak

An outbreak of severe thunderstorms developed across the Upper Midwest states on 07 June 2007SPC storm reports showed widespread tornadoes (including the EF-3 Langlade WI... Read More

GOES-12 Visible (0.65 µm) images [click to play animation]

GOES-12 Visible (0.65 µm) images [click to play animation]

An outbreak of severe thunderstorms developed across the Upper Midwest states on 07 June 2007SPC storm reports showed widespread tornadoes (including the EF-3 Langlade WI tornado), large hail, and damaging winds over much of the region. GOES-12 Visible (0.65 µm) images (above; click to play animation) revealed a large area of boundary layer wave clouds that developed during the morning hours over a good deal of western Wisconsin and extreme northeastern Iowa and southeastern Minnesota.

GOES-12 Infrared (10.7 µm) images (below; click to play animation) depicted cloud top brightness temperatures as cold as -69º C / -92º F (dark red enhancement) as the storms intensified during the afternoon. The dynamics associated with this severe weather outbreak were quite strong, with very fast jet stream winds at the 500 hPa and 250 hPa pressure levels. The 1-km resolution MODIS 6.7 µm water vapor imagery indicated a broad area of potential clear air turbulence downwind of the Rocky Mountains, with the characteristic “herringbone signature” extending as far eastward as western Kansas.

GOES-12 Infrared (10.7 µm) images [click to play animation]

GOES-12 Infrared (10.7 µm) images [click to play animation]

CIMSS employee Derrick Herndon was chasing these storms in central Wisconsin, and took a photo of some very large hail near Wisconsin Rapids (below). The largest hail listed on the SPC storm reports for that day was 4.25 inches in diameter at Wisconsin Rapids.

Hail near Wisconsin Rapids [click to enlarge]

Hail near Wisconsin Rapids [click to enlarge]

An interesting feature seen on MODIS false-color imagery (below) was the southwest-to-northeast oriented swaths of wet ground left in the wake of rainfall from storms moving across portions of northeastern Iowa and southeastern Minnesota. Note the cooler temperatures (60s and 70s F) at locations within the rainfall swaths. The larger rain swath was still evident on the following day, with surface temperature at Preston, Minnesota (station identifier KFKA) remaining 2-3 degrees cooler than surrounding sites.

Aqua MODIS false-color image

Aqua MODIS false-color

2 days later (on 09 June), the long-track tornado damage path across northeastern Wisconsin was very evident on a Terra MODIS true-color image (below), courtesy of the Environmental Remote Sensing Center.

Terra MODIS true-color image

Terra MODIS true-color image

===== 07 June 2017 Update =====

On the 10-year anniversary of this event, a storm summary was published by NWS Green Bay. The tornado damage path was still evident on monthly Aqua MODIS true-color Red/Green/Blue (RGB) images from 06 January to 07 June 2017 (below). Previous blog posts had shown this tornado damage path on 15 July 2015 and 03 December 2007.

MODIS true-color RGB images [clck to enlarge]

MODIS true-color RGB images [click to enlarge]

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Super Cyclone Gonu

Super Cylone 02A (“Gonu”) intensified rapidly in the Arabian Sea on 03-04 June 2007. EUMETSAT Meteosat-7 InfraRed imagery (above; animated GIF) showed very cold cloud-top IR brightness temperature values (-80º to -88º C, violet to purple enhancement) in the... Read More

Meteoasat-7 IR images (click to play animation)

Meteosat-7 IR images (click to play animation)

Super Cylone 02A (“Gonu”) intensified rapidly in the Arabian Sea on 03-04 June 2007. EUMETSAT Meteosat-7 InfraRed imagery (above; animated GIF) showed very cold cloud-top IR brightness temperature values (-80º to -88º C, violet to purple enhancement) in the eyewall region during much of the 2-day period. A distinct eye was apparent on the Meteosat-7 IR images, as well as on the Meteosat-7 visible images on 04 June (animated GIF).

An overpass of the NOAA-17 satellite occurred at 17:33 UTC on 04 June; the IR image (below) depicted a detailed radial “banded structure” to the cold brightness temperature field, with a minimum temperature of -89º C (darker purple enhancement). Also note the area of concentric gravity waves south of the eye (within the gray-to-white enhanced area of -75º to -79º C brightness temperatures).

NOAA-17 IR image

NOAA-17 IR image

The CIMSS Advanced Dvorak Technique is a satellite-based method of estimating tropical cyclone intensity; the ADT plot (below) indicates that Gonu intensified very rapidly from late in the day on 03 June (day 2007154) to early in the day on 04 June (day 2007155), reaching Category 5 intensity (with 140 knot wind speeds). This was the first tropical cyclone of Category 5 strength on record in the Arabian Sea.

Gonu ADT plot

Gonu ADT plot

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