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Rapid Convective Initiation and NUCAPS Profiles in the upper Midwest

A favorable orbit geometry on NOAA-20 on 17 June 2021 meant that portions of the upper Midwest received NUCAPS soundings 90 minutes apart. This is an ideal way to monitor destabilization on a day when SPC has predicted an enhanced risk of severe weather, as shown below and at this link.Compare... Read More

NUCAPS Sounding Availability, 1745 and 1927 UTC on 17 June 2021. Note the overlapping coverage in eastern Iowa (Click to enlarge)

A favorable orbit geometry on NOAA-20 on 17 June 2021 meant that portions of the upper Midwest received NUCAPS soundings 90 minutes apart. This is an ideal way to monitor destabilization on a day when SPC has predicted an enhanced risk of severe weather, as shown below and at this link.

SPC Convective outlook, 2000 UTC on 17 June 2021 (Click to enlarge)

Compare the sounding at 42º N, 92º W from ~1800 UTC to the one from ~1930 UTC, below.  Destabilization is apparent;  the later profile has a lower LCL and lower LFC, and moisture has increased.

NUCAPS Profiles near 42º N, 92º W at 1800 and 1930 UTC, 17 June 2021 (Click to enlarge)

This surface plot from 2000 UTC suggests that the NUCAPS profile at ~1930 UTC has a boundary layer that is too cool and too dry.  When the sounding values are edited — the lowest 3 layers were warmed and moistened — to better match the plotted observations, the sounding CAPE increased, and the LCL/LFC dropped even farther.

Original and modified NUCAPS profile at 42.14ºº N, 91.54 W, ~1930 UTC on 17 June 2021 (Click to enlarge)

The convection developed rapidly.  The every-90-minutes toggle below (GOES-16 Visible Imagery at 2000, 2130, 2300 UTC) shows that, and the Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB at the bottom (from 1901-2356 UTC) does too.

GOES-16 Band 2 Visible (0.64 µm) Imagery, 2001, 2136, 2301 UTC on 17 June 2021 (Click to enlarge)

GOES-16 Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB, 1901 – 2306 UTC on 17 June 2021 (Click to animate)

A low-level water vapor (GOES-16 Band 10, 7.3 µm) infrared imagery animation, below, from CSPP Geosphere (here is a link that will show the animation in CSPP GeoSphere until about the end of June), shows evidence of a northwestward-propagating gravity wave that might have initiated convection.  This feature first interacts with convection over far southeastern Iowa, and then with a southwest-to-northeast line of convection that developed.

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Lake Surface Temperatures in the Great Lakes in mid-June

Mostly clear skies over the Great Lakes early in the morning on 16 June allowed the VIIRS instrument on Suomi-NPP an unobstructed view of the surface waters.  Advanced Clear-Sky Processing for Oceans (ACSPO) Lake-surface temperatures, above, show the temperature distributions in the five lakes.  The warmest region is western Lake... Read More

Lake-surface temperatures over the Great Lakes, 0747 UTC on 16 June 2021

Mostly clear skies over the Great Lakes early in the morning on 16 June allowed the VIIRS instrument on Suomi-NPP an unobstructed view of the surface waters.  Advanced Clear-Sky Processing for Oceans (ACSPO) Lake-surface temperatures, above, show the temperature distributions in the five lakes.  The warmest region is western Lake Erie where water temperatures are already in the 70s.  Saginaw Bay in Lake Huron (and Green Bay in Lake Michigan — although clouds at this time prevented a good view) are also in the 70s.  Much of Lake Superior remains around 40 F;  Lake Michigan is unusually warm — with a large region of 60+ — following an early-season heat wave (graph from GLERL’s Lake Statistics webpage).

Clear skies continued into the afternoon of the 16th;  the true-color image, below, derived from VIIRS data from NOAA-20 shows cloud over Lake Huron and some sun glint over Lakes Michigan and Superior. A zoomed-in view of Lake Erie (link) shows remarkable detail to the water color in the lake.

VIIRS True-Color image over the Great Lakes, 1819 UTC on 16 June 2021 (Click to enlarge)

Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS data were downloaded at the CIMSS Direct Broadcast site and processed using CSPP software. Great Lakes SST fields and VIIRS imagery over CONUS are available via LDM feed to National Weather Service Offices. True-Color imagery can be found at VIIRS Today and at the CIMSS direct broadcast ftp site.

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Tropical Storm Bill in the Atlantic Ocean

True-color imagery derived from GOES-16, above, shows a low-level cyclonic circulation associated with then Tropical Depression #2 to the east of Cape Hatteras over the western Tropical Atlantic. The satellite imagery suggests strong southwesterly shear: ongoing deep and vigorous convection is far removed to the east and northeast of the... Read More

GOES-16 True-Color imagery showing Tropical Depression #2 over the western Atlantic Ocean, 2001 – 2331 UTC on 14 June 2021 (Click to animate)

True-color imagery derived from GOES-16, above, shows a low-level cyclonic circulation associated with then Tropical Depression #2 to the east of Cape Hatteras over the western Tropical Atlantic. The satellite imagery suggests strong southwesterly shear: ongoing deep and vigorous convection is far removed to the east and northeast of the near-surface circulation visible in the imagery. Indeed, a shear analysis from the CIMSS Tropical page, below, shows values in excess of 50 knots over the storm. Despite the strong shear, this depression was upgraded to Tropical Storm Bill at 0300 UTC on 15 June 2021.

850-200 mb wind shear, 0000 UTC on 15 June 2021 (Click to enlarge)

Scatterometry winds helped with the intensity determination.  The 2328 UTC 14 June overpass, below, shown in a toggle with the ABI Band 13 infrared imagery, shows the circulation with 40-knot winds on the south side.  Included in the image is the 1056 UTC 15 June image, showing the quick northeastward progress of the storm, and also showing the degradation in the storm’s symmetry.

Scatterometry winds, 2328 UTC on 14 June and GOES-16 ABI clean window infrared (Band 13, 10.35 µm)  imagery, along with the 1056 UTC 15 June clean window infrared imagery (click to enlarge)

Suomi-NPP overflew the storm at 0626 UTC on 15 June. The Day Night Band imagery, below, overlain on top of derived ACSPO SSTs and toggled with the VIIRS I05 11.45 µm window channel imagery (obtained from the Direct Broadcast site at the University of Wisconsin-Madison), show evidence of lightning northeast of the storm center. SSTs within the core of the Gulf Stream are 81 F.  The core of the storm at 0626 UTC as depicted in the infrared imagery below is far more symmetric than in either of the two times, 2326 UTC on 14 June, and 1056 UTC 15 June, in the toggle above.

Suomi-NPP VIIRS Day Night Band visible (0.70 µm) imagery overlain on top of ACSPO SSTs toggled with VIIRS I05 (11.45 µm) infrared imagery, 0626 UTC on 15 June 2021 (Click to enlarge)

Refer to the National Hurricane Center website for more information on Bill.

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Chemtool facility fire in Rockton, Illinois

GOES-16 (GOES-East) “Red” Visible (0.64 µm), Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm), Fire Power and Fire Temperature derived products (above) showed the dark black smoke plume and thermal signature of a fire from an explosion at the Lubrizon Corporation Chemtool facility at Rockton in far northern Illinois on 14 June 2021. The thick smoke plume obscured... Read More

GOES-16 "Red Visible (0.64 µm, top left), Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm, top right), Fire Power (bottom left) and Fire Temperature (bottom right) [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 “Red” Visible (0.64 µm, top left), Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm, top right), Fire Power (bottom left) and Fire Temperature (bottom right) [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 (GOES-East) “Red” Visible (0.64 µm), Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm), Fire Power and Fire Temperature derived products (above) showed the dark black smoke plume and thermal signature of a fire from an explosion at the Lubrizon Corporation Chemtool facility at Rockton in far northern Illinois on 14 June 2021. The thick smoke plume obscured the satellite’s view of the fire point source much of the time, preventing the continuous derivation of Fire Power and Fire Temperature products (and masking the thermal anomaly in the Shortwave Infrared images).

However, a comparison of Shortwave Infrared images from GOES-17 (GOES-West) and GOES-16 (below) revealed that the western satellite’s viewing angle allowed the thermal anomaly of the fire source (hot black-enhanced pixel) to be seen for a longer time period — even after the dark smoke plume had become well established.

Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm) images from GOES-17 (left) and GOES-16 (right) [click to play animation | MP4]

Shortwave Infrared (3.9 µm) images from GOES-17 (left) and GOES-16 (right) [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 Near-Infrared “Vegetation” (0.86 µm) images with plots of pilot reports (below) indicated that the smoke existed at altitudes of 2500 to 3000 feet, but was not restricting the surface visibility at sites that were downwind of the fire.

GOES-16 Near-Infrared "Vegetation" (0.86 µm) image, with plots of pilot reports and airport ceilings and visibility [click to enlarge]

GOES-16 Near-Infrared “Vegetation” (0.86 µm) images, with plots of pilot reports (yellow) and airport ceilings and visibility (cyan) [click to enlarge]

Closer views of GOES-16 Near-Infrared “Vegetation” images created using Geo2Grid (below) showed the southward transport of dark smoke as the fire continued to burn into the afternoon hours.

GOES-16 Near-Infrared "Vegetation" (0.86 µm) images [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 Near-Infrared “Vegetation” (0.86 µm) images (credit: Tim Schmit, NOAA/NESDIS) [click to play animation | MP4]

Due to the very dark character of this particular smoke plume, it showed up much better against the more reflective surface in 0.86 µm imagery (compared to 0.64 µm “Red” Visible imagery), as seen in the image toggle below.

GOES-16 "Red" Visible (0.64 µm) and Near-Infrared "Vegetation" (0.86 µm) images at 1516 UTC (credit: Tim Schmit, NOAA/NESDIS) [click to enlarge]

GOES-16 “Red” Visible (0.64 µm) and Near-Infrared “Vegetation” (0.86 µm) images at 1516 UTC (credit: Tim Schmit, NOAA/NESDIS) [click to enlarge]

The dark smoke plume was also evident in various GOES-16 RGB combinations, such as True Color, Day Land Cloud, and Day Snow Fog (below). True Color RGB images showed that the smoke eventually drifted over far western Indiana.

GOES-16 True Color RGB images [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 True Color RGB images [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 Day Land Cloud RGB images [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 Day Land Cloud RGB images [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 Day Snow Fog RGB images [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 Day Snow Fog RGB images (credit: Tim Schmit/NOAA/NESDIS) [click to play animation | MP4]




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