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Prescribed burns in the Florida Panhandle

5-minute CONUS Sector GOES-16 (GOES-East) “Red” Visible (0.64 µm) images (above) included an overlay of the Fire Mask derived product (a component of the GOES Fire Detection and Characterization Algorithm FDCA) — which showed the smoke plumes and thermal signatures associated with prescribed burns in the Florida Panhandle on 22 April 2024.Once the... Read More

GOES-16 “Red” Visible (0.64 µm) images with an overlay of the Fire Mask derived product [click to play animated GIF | MP4]

5-minute CONUS Sector GOES-16 (GOES-East) “Red” Visible (0.64 µm) images (above) included an overlay of the Fire Mask derived product (a component of the GOES Fire Detection and Characterization Algorithm FDCA) — which showed the smoke plumes and thermal signatures associated with prescribed burns in the Florida Panhandle on 22 April 2024.

Once the smoke plumes extended about 20-30 miles offshore, their signature became apparent in the GOES-16 Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) derived product (below) — AOD values exceeded 1.0 (darker red pixels) within the easternmost smoke plume.

GOES-16 “Red” Visible (0.64 µm) images with an overlay of the Fire Mask and Aerosol Optical Depth derived products [click to play animated GIF | MP4]

GOES-16 True Color RGB images from the CSPP GeoSphere site (below) provided a clearer view of the 2 dominant smoke plumes (along with a few other less-pronounced smoke plumes from smaller fires).

GOES-16 True Color RGB images [click to play MP4 animation]

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Satellite Images of the Sun (on April 8th)

There are several satellites that routinely image the Sun, to support Space Weather. Due to the recent total solar eclipse, there has been much interest in the Sun. SUVIThe GOES-R series also has a number of space weather instruments, including the SUVI (Solar UV Imager). The above images are via the UW/SSEC ingest... Read More

There are several satellites that routinely image the Sun, to support Space Weather. Due to the recent total solar eclipse, there has been much interest in the Sun.


The GOES-R series also has a number of space weather instruments, including the SUVI (Solar UV Imager).

GOES-16 SUVI images (He 303) on April 8, 2024.
GOES-16 SUVI images (Fe 171) on April 8, 2024. (Click to Play)

The above images are via the UW/SSEC ingest of NOAA’s GOES-16 SUVI data via the GOES Re-Broadcast (GRB).


Images from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).

Some of the spectral bands on the SDO on April 8, 2024. (Click to Play)

A similar loop, including RGB composites. “Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams.” More SDO images.


The Large Angle and Spectrometric COronagraph (LASCO) is on instrument on the joint NASA/ESA SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) spacecraft.

LASCO C2 image from April 8, 2024 at 19 UTC.

“Courtesy of SOHO/LASCO consortium. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.” This image was obtained here.

GOES-U will fly a compact coronagraph.


Thanks to many for this post, including Rick Kohrs (UW/SSEC) and Dr. Ryan French. T. Schmit works for NOAA/NESDIS/STAR and is stationed in Madison, WI.

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Great Lakes on Earth Day 2024

NOAA-20 overflew the Great Lakes early on 22 April 2024 (Earth Day) and the lack of cloud cover (except over northeastern Lake Superior) allowed a determination of Lake Surface Temperatures over most of the Great Lakes. As is usually the case, Lake Erie is the warmest lake, with temperatures near... Read More

NOAA-20 Day Night Band visible imagery (0.7) and Derived ACSPO Lake Surface Temperatures, 0756 UTC on 22 April 2024 (Click to enlarge)

NOAA-20 overflew the Great Lakes early on 22 April 2024 (Earth Day) and the lack of cloud cover (except over northeastern Lake Superior) allowed a determination of Lake Surface Temperatures over most of the Great Lakes. As is usually the case, Lake Erie is the warmest lake, with temperatures near 50oF over the western part of the lake (values are closer to 41-42oF just north of Erie PA). How might Erie’s temperatures change in the near future? That’s estimated at this link from GLERL. Temperatures over Erie are warmer than normal — but not so warm as during April of 2012 — as shown here; values for other Great Lakes are here. Temperatures are also near 50oF are in Saginaw Bay, and along the south shore of Lake Michigan. Most of northern Lake Michigan, and all of Lake Huron, have temperatures near 40oF, and Lake Superior shows temperatures in the mid-30s.

AWIPS-ready JPSS Tiles are created from data downloaded at the Direct Broadcast antenna at CIMSS (processed by CSPP software) and are available from an LDM feed at CIMSS. Data are also available as imagery at this ftp site, and here.

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PHS model output for severe weather over Missouri and Illinois on 18 April

The Storm Prediction Center storm reports for 18 April, below, show severe weather clustered over Missouri and Illinois within the 2000 UTC Enhanced Risk polygon for that day. SPC’s Mesoscale Discussions Numbers 486 — at 2148 UTC — and 488 — at 2312 UTC — discussed these storms. How did the Fusion modeling system, i.e., a... Read More

The Storm Prediction Center storm reports for 18 April, below, show severe weather clustered over Missouri and Illinois within the 2000 UTC Enhanced Risk polygon for that day. SPC’s Mesoscale Discussions Numbers 486 — at 2148 UTC — and 488 — at 2312 UTC — discussed these storms. How did the Fusion modeling system, i.e., a modeling system that includes assimilated data that has been modified by the inclusion of thermodynamic observations from Polar-Orbiting satellites, perform on this day?

SPC Storm Reports from 18 April 2024 plotted on top of the 2000 UTC Convective Outlook (Click to enlarge)

PHS model output at the website includes 4-km WRF output modified by Polar Hyperspectral Sounding input during a 3-h assimilation cycle and 3-km HRRR data that does not include any direct influence from moisture information from the Polar Hyperspectral Soundings. Consider the Surface Analysis toggle below; the forecast office in St Louis is highlighted — that CWA mapping is from here. There are several differences between these two model simulations. There are stronger northerly surface winds to the west of the convection. The character of the convection is also different: in the WRF simulation with PHS thermodynamics, convection shows up as discrete supercellular-like features vs. the less intense convection spread over a region in the HRRR model without PHS information.

5-h Forecast output from a 3-km HRRR model (without PHS input) and a 4-km WRF model (with PHS input). Both models initialized at 1800 UTC on 18 April 2024 (click to enlarge) The cyan circle highlights the St Louis Forecast Office (WFO LSX)

Differences, especially wind differences, at 700 h-Pa are obvious in the slider shown below. There are much stronger 700-hPa winds within the area of convection in the simulation that benefits from the extra thermodynamic information delivered by Polar Hyperspectral Soundings (PHS model data with WRF, in contrast to HRRR without).

The stronger 700-mb winds are reflected the low-level Bulk Wind Shear, the low-level Helicity and the Significant Hail parameter as shown in individual toggles below. All tell the same story: inclusion of Polar Hyperspectral Sounding data into the model is leading to a simulation that more accurately includes the development of supercellular storms that can drop hail or tornadoes, and the 5-h forecast shows this development close to regions where severe weather was observed.

5-h forecast of 0-1 km shear from the 4-km WRF with PHS data and from the 3-km HRRR without PHS data (Click to enlarge)
5-h forecast of Helicity from the 4-km WRF with PHS data and from the 3-km HRRR without PHS data (Click to enlarge)
5-h forecast of Significant Hail Parameter from the 4-km WRF with PHS data and from the 3-km HRRR without PHS data (Click to enlarge)

PHS model data are being demonstrated this year at the Hazardous Weather Testbed held in May/June at SPC.

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