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Strong storm over the Pacific Northwest

GOES-18 airmass RGB imagery, above (created using geo2grid software), shows the development of a hurricane-force low to the west of Washington and Oregon on the 19th of November. The orange and purple colors in the RGB suggest a significant intrusion of stratospheric air. That air is rich in ozone, and... Read More

GOES-18 airmass RGB 0000 UTC 18 November – 0000 UTC 20 November 2024 (Click to enlarge)

GOES-18 airmass RGB imagery, above (created using geo2grid software), shows the development of a hurricane-force low to the west of Washington and Oregon on the 19th of November. The orange and purple colors in the RGB suggest a significant intrusion of stratospheric air. That air is rich in ozone, and there are satellite observations that can highlight the ozone signal. NUCAPS profiles include information on trace gases, and the image below (from the JSTAR Mapper) shows the ozone distribution on 19 November.

NUCAPS estimates of Ozone on 19 November 2024 (Click to enlarge)

Suomi-NPP also includes the Ozone Mapping and Profiling Suite (OMPS) instrument — available here at NASA Worldview. The animation of OMPS Column Ozone, below (from this source), shows the motion of ozone-rich air from over Alaska on the 17th to the Gulf of Alaska/northeast Pacific Ocean on the 19th.

Suomi-NPP OMPS estimates of total column Ozone, 17, 18 and 19 November 2024 (Click to enlarge)

The evolution of the system is also apparent in the water vapor infrared imagery (GOES-18, Band 8, 6.19 µm) below. Cyclogenesis is rapid on the 19th as an impulse drops southward from Alaska.

GOES-18 Upper-level water vapor (Band 8, 6.19 µm) infrared imagery, 2010 UTC 17 November 2024 – 1310 UTC 20 November 2024 (mp4 animation)

GCOM-W1 overflew the strong system at 2112 UTC on 19 November, and the AMSR-2 winds (derived with GAASP software and available here) are shown below. Winds in excess of 64 knots (that is, hurricane-force) are shown west of Washington and Oregon.

AMSR-2 Sea-surface Winds, 2112 UTC (over the storm) and 2250 UTC (to the west of the storm) on 19 November 2024 (Click to enlarge)

SMAP winds (source, also available here), below, at 0101 UTC on 20 November, also show the strong winds with this potent system.

SMAP winds at 0105 UTC on 20 November 2024 (Click to enlarge)

Metop-B and Metop-C both carry the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT), and winds from those two satellites above this system are shown below. As with the other microwave-derived windspeeds shown above, the strong winds separate from the center and also with wind features to the south and to the northeast of the center are prominent.

ASCAT observations at 1810 UTC (Metop-B), 1907 UTC (Metop-C) on 19 November and 0451 (Metop-C) and 0533 (Metop-B) UTC on 20 November 2024 (Click to enlarge)

MetopC ASCAT winds are also in AWIPS, and the toggle below shows the fields overlain on top of Band 13 clean window infrared imagery. Two of the plots show all the ASCAT wind barbs; this allows a user to see at a glance the wind distributions. For more information on ASCAT winds, click here.

MetopC ASCAT Winds, 0431 and 0601 UTC on 20 November 2024 (Click to enlarge)

VIIRS Day Night Band visible (0.7 µm) imagery, below, at 0934 and 0958 UTC show the system illuminated with a waning gibbous 3/4 crescent moon. Winds observed at the buoys at this time were in the 30-40 knot range.

VIIRS Day Night Band visible (0.7 µm) imagery, 0934 and 0958 UTC on 20 November 2024, along with buoy observations (Click to enlarge)

What were near-shore buoys showing? The toggle below (using plots from this website) shows observations at Buoy 46132 (South Brooks), 46206 (La Perouse Bank), 46087 (at the mouth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca), 46041 (Cape Elizabeth), 46029 (Columbia River Bar) (This figure shows the locations of most of the buoys, you can also see the locations here). The buoys showed wind gusts in excess of 50 knots, and sustained winds close to 35 knots.

Time Series plots of winds speeds, gusts and pressure at different locations along the west coast. (Click to enlarge)

Buoy 46005, at 46oN, 131oW, showed a pressure near 28″ of mercury (near 945 mb) and gusts exceeding 60 knots before failing.

Time Series plot of wind speed and gusts and surface pressure (click to enlarge)

GOES-18 Mid-level Water Vapor (6.9 µm) images with hourly plots of Fixed Buoy reports, from 1606 UTC on 19th November to 0201 UTC on 20th November (courtesy Scott Bachmeier, CIMSS) [click to play MP4 animation]

A closer view of GOES-18 Water Vapor images (above) revealed the distinct circulation associated with this rapidly intensifying low — whose center passed near Buoy 46005 (which recorded a wind gust of 64 knots at 2120 UTC, after which it stopped reporting).

NOAA-21 and NOAA-20 VIIRS Day/Night Band images that included a plot of the final 2100 UTC Buoy 46005 observation (below) showed the center of the low passing just west of the buoy.

NOAA-21 and NOAA-20 (mislabeled as NPP) VIIRS Day/Night Band (0.7 µm) images, with plot of Buoy 46005 data (courtesy Scott Bachmeier, CIMSS) [click to enlarge]

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Satellite signatures of the SpaceX Starship Test Flight 6

A display of all 16 ABI spectral bands from GOES-16 (GOES-East) showed that a hot thermal signature of the SpaceX Starship Falcon Heavy rocket booster was apparent in Near-Infrared & Infrared bands 04-16 at 2101 UTC during its Test Flight 6 on 19th November 2024. In addition, the rocket exhaust condensation cloud was... Read More

Multi-panel display of all 16 ABI spectral bands from GOES-16, from 2056-2111 UTC on 19th November [click to play animated GIF | MP4]

A display of all 16 ABI spectral bands from GOES-16 (GOES-East) showed that a hot thermal signature of the SpaceX Starship Falcon Heavy rocket booster was apparent in Near-Infrared & Infrared bands 04-16 at 2101 UTC during its Test Flight 6 on 19th November 2024. In addition, the rocket exhaust condensation cloud was seen in all 16 spectral bands, as it began to drift northeast away from the Starbase launch site along the south coast of Texas..

10-minute Full Disk scan True Color RGB images (source) of the rocket exhaust condensation cloud as viewed from both GOES-18 (GOES-West) and GOES-16 are shown below (the images are displayed in the native projection of each satellite). Since the launch was late in the afternoon, the higher-altitude portions of the condensation cloud cast long shadows onto the water surface off the Texas coast.

True Color RGB images from GOES-18 (left) and GOES-16 (right), from 2150-2300 UTC on 19th November [click to play animated GIF | MP4]

A plot of rawinsonde data from Brownsville, Texas (below) depicted speed and directional wind shear at high altitudes, which acted to distort the shape of the exhaust condensation cloud.

Plot of rawinsonde data from Brownsville, Texas at 0000 UTC on 20th November [click to enlarge]

Another comparison of 10-minute Full Disk scan True Color RGB images — created using Geo2Grid — showed the rocket exhaust condensation plume as viewed from GOES-18, GOES-19 (Preliminary/Non-operational) and GOES-16. In this example, the images from all 3 satellites were remapped to a common projection.

True Color RGB images from GOES-18 (left), GOES-19 (center) and GOES-16 (right), from 2150-2300 UTC on 19th November [click to play animated GIF | MP4]

5-minute CONUS sector GOES-19 (Preliminary/Non-operational) True Color RGB images (below) provided another view of the rocket condensation plume at a higher temporal resolution.

GOES-19 True Color RGB images, from 2141-2301 UTC on 19th November (courtesy Tim Schmit, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR) [click to play animated GIF | MP4]

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Great Lakes Water Temperatures in mid-November

Mostly clear skies over the Great Lakes early on 18 November allowed for good satellite estimates of Lake Surface temperatures. They are, in a word, very warm. The toggle above compares estimates from NOAA-20 and from GOES-16. The stepped animation below (source) compares November 17th values this year with those... Read More

NOAA-20 and GOES-16 estimates of Lake Surface Temperatures, ca. 0710 UTC on 18 November 2024 (Click to enlarge)

Mostly clear skies over the Great Lakes early on 18 November allowed for good satellite estimates of Lake Surface temperatures. They are, in a word, very warm. The toggle above compares estimates from NOAA-20 and from GOES-16. The stepped animation below (source) compares November 17th values this year with those from 2021, 2022 and 2023, and a tabular comparison for the past 4 years follows.

GLERL Surface Analyses of Great Lakes surface temperatures, 17 November, 2021-2024 (Click to enlarge)
Mean Surface Temperatures for the 5 Great Lakes, 2021-2024

Mean temperature plots of the five Great Lakes, shown below in comparison to the mean value (based on 1998-2023), also show the anomalous warmth (source).

Average Lake Surface Temperatures in 2024 for, left to right, Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario (Click to enlarge)

The ACSPO imagery above gives similar results from both satellites, although the higher resolution of VIIRS allows for better identification of small-scale features, and allows for values closer to the shoreline; values between the two satellites agree to within a degree of so Fahrenheit, with GOES estimates showing warmer temperatures generally. The zoomed-in toggles below compare GOES-16/NOAA-20 over Lake Superior to the east of the Keewenaw Peninsula, and over southern Lake Michigan. The pixel size difference is obvious in the zoomed-in imagery.

NOAA-20 and GOES-16 estimates of Lake Surface Temperatures over Lake Superior just north of upper Michigan, ca. 0710 UTC on 18 November 2024 (Click to enlarge)
NOAA-20 and GOES-16 estimates of Lake Surface Temperatures over southern Lake Michigan, ca. 0710 UTC on 18 November 2024 (Click to enlarge)

The unseasonably warm waters of the Great Lakes mean that when temperatures do cool enough to support Lake Effect Snow, that Lake Effect snow might, at least initially, be a lot more intense than in a year with more normal Lake Surface Temperatures. NOAA-20 ACSPO SSTs were created using CSPP software and the Direct Broadcast data downloaded via the antenna located at CIMSS. You can also view the ACSPO SSTs at this (transitory) website.

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Super Typhoon Man-Yi makes landfall on the Philippines island of Luzon

Target Sector (2.5-minute interval) JMA Himawari-9 AHI Red Visible (0.64 µm) and Clean Infrared Window (10.4 µm) images (above) showed Super Typhoon Man-Yi as it made landfall along the Philippines island of Luzon on 17th November 2024. Low-altitude mesovortices were apparent within the eye as it was offshore — then a notable convective burst developed as the... Read More

2.5-minute JMA Himawari-9 Red Visible (0.64 µm, top) and Clean Infrared Window (10.4 µm, bottom) images, from 0422-0832 UTC on 17th November [click to play animated GIF | MP4]

Target Sector (2.5-minute interval) JMA Himawari-9 AHI Red Visible (0.64 µm) and Clean Infrared Window (10.4 µm) images (above) showed Super Typhoon Man-Yi as it made landfall along the Philippines island of Luzon on 17th November 2024. Low-altitude mesovortices were apparent within the eye as it was offshore — then a notable convective burst developed as the eye became cloud-filled shortly after moving inland.

A toggle between VIIRS Day/Night Band images from NOAA-21 and Suomi-NPP (below) provided two high-resolution views of Man-Yi as it approached Luzon.

VIIRS Day/Night Band (0.7 µm) images from NOAA-21 and Suomi-NPP [click to enlarge]

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