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Archive: Mar 2023

Widespread outbreak of severe thunderstorms across the Midwest and South

With a strong midlatitude cyclone centered over Iowa on 31 March 2023, the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) outlined 2 areas of relatively rare High Risk for severe weather — and GOES-16 (GOES-East) Total Precipitable Water along with the Lifted Index (LI) and Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) Derived Stability Indices (above) showed that a corridor of moisture and instability... Read More

Predicting lightning initiation with AI

The NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere LightningCast model uses GOES-R ABI reflectances and brightness temperatures along with artificial intelligence methods to predict next-hour lightning anywhere in the GOES-R field of view. It is particularly adept at nowcasting lightning initiation. A long, potent cold front spawned a number of storms from Iowa to Texas today... Read More