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Archive: Nov 2022

Convective initiation in the Nighttime Microphysics RGB

The animation above shows the Nighttime Microphysics RGB (saved from the CSPP Geosphere site) over the islands of American Samoa. (An animated gif is available here). The annotated animation below highlights several features that are typical of convective development detection at night. Low clouds become apparent shortly before 1450 UTC (when they are circled); subsequent color changes in... Read More

SAR data over Guam (part IV)

RADARSAT-2 overflew Guam early on 10 November 2022, and the toggle above shows both Himawari-8 imagery at that time with the SAR wind estimates overlain. This was a time of light winds and minimal shower activity. It’s interesting that the wake of weak winds downwind of the islands of Guam... Read More