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Category: Severe convection

Detection of convective initiation and the first tornado in March

After an unusually quiet February tornado-wise in the United States (only one tornado was reported, an EF-0 in California that lasted for 3 minutes late in the day on February 27th), two tornadoes touched down near sunset in western Oklahoma, near the town of Hammon. The above animation from NAWIPS shows 1-km GOES-12 visible imagery with superimposed contours of cloud-top cooling (and lightning strikes) from about 2000 UTC on 9 March to 0015... Read More

Mesocale Convective Complex in South America

McIDAS images of the GOES-10 10.7 µm IR channel (above) showed very cold cloud top temperatures associated with a large Mesoscale Convective Complex (MCC) that developed over northern Argentina and moved across Uruguay and into far southern Brazil on 19 November 2009. The MCC exhibited unusually cold IR brightness temperature... Read More