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Category: POES

Fog across the western Great Lakes region

An AWIPS image of the 1-km resolution POES AVHRR 11.0-3.7 µm “fog/stratus product” (above) revealed a very interesting banded structure in the fog and stratus features (yellow to red color enhancement) that covered a large part of the western Great Lakes region at 07:49 UTC on 16 January 2010. With stagnant high... Read More

Terrain-induced clouds over the Brooks Range in Alaska

McIDAS images of POES AVHRR 10.8 µm IR channel data (above) showed the development of a large terrain-induced “banner cloud” over the eastern part of the Brooks Range in northeastern Alaska on 01 January – 02 January 2010. The IR cloud top brightness temperature values were as cold as -65º... Read More