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Category: POES

Upgraded webpages for browsing LEO direct broadcast products

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center owns and operates a network of low-earth orbiting direct broadcast satellite antennas around the United States, and provides software support for partner institutions with similar antenna systems. Last week, a new version of the web interface hosted by each antenna’s on-site... Read More

The ample eye of Ampil

Typhoon Ampil was at the northern edge of the view of the Direct Broadcast antenna at the forecast office on Guam, and CSPP software processed the above images (courtesy Douglas Schumacher) showing the ample eye of the Typhoon. Microwave imagery suggests an eyewall that is not quite complete, especially on... Read More

California’s Record Snowpack and Brimming Reservoirs

A multi-week “parade of storms” over the Pacific Ocean featuring a persistent atmospheric river pattern and numerous winter storms pounding the U.S. west coast has resulted in record snowpack in the Sierra Nevadas with water equivalency at 205% of normal for mid-January in the northern Sierras, 255% central, and... Read More

2022 Satellite Highlights via Polar-Orbiting Imagery

This post features 2022 highlights from a polar-orbiting perspective, with a focus on U.S. scenes, most acquired by the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) flying on the Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 satellites. Also in 2022: NOAA’s Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) launched the JPSS-2 satellite, renamed NOAA-21. First light imagery... Read More