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Category: Meteosat

Undular Bore off of Africa

Jesse Ferrell highlighted an undular bore emerging off the coast of Africa this morning, as seen in the annotated 1200 UTC Meteosat-9 image above (or click here). Bores occur when impulses move underneath stable layers, exciting a series of closely-spaced lines of clouds, as shown here, for example. Bores are associated with... Read More

Dust + smoke + ice: it must be late June!

Today’s CIMSS Satellite Blog entry will take a step back and focus on the larger scale. We’ll begin with an animation of GOES-12 visible images from 25 June 2008 (above). Several items of interest are apparent in addition to the normal diurnal development of thunderstorms across parts of North and Central America:... Read More

Occluding cyclone over the North Atlantic Ocean

AWIPS images of the water vapor  satellite composite (above) showed the evolution of a wide variety of synoptic-scale features across the Northern Hemisphere at 3-hour intervals during the 19 May – 20 May 2008 period. Of particular interest was the water vapor signatures associated with an occluding cyclone over the... Read More