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Category: Meteosat

Winter Storm Xaver

Winter Storm Xaver (EUMETSAT Image Library) affected much of northern Europe on 05 December 2013, causing widespread power outages, storm surge flooding, and adverse impacts to transportation in several countries. As many as nine deaths have been blamed on the storm. Many areas experienced hurricane-force winds,... Read More

Eruption of the Mount Etna volcano

The Mount Etna volcano — the tallest on the European continent, and one of the most active in the world — experienced an eruption on 23 November 2013. EUMETSAT Meteosat-10 0.75 µm visible channel images (above; click image to play animation) showed the explosive development of... Read More

Strong Storm in the Mediterranean

Cyclone Cleopatra moved through the central Mediterranean Sea, causing flooding in Italy and Sardinia (BBC News Link) with northeastern Sardinia particularly hard hit. The infrared imagery from Meteosat-10, above, and the water vapor imagery, below, shows the slow movement of the entire system within the Mediterranean basin, as well as the strong... Read More