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Category: Himawari-8

SAR data over Guam (Part VI and VII)

RADARSAT-2 observations of SAR data near/around the island of Guam in the Marianas Islands continue in November (as previously discussed here, here and here). Overpasses on 15 November (above) and 17 November (below) contain features that deserve comment. For example, there is an obvious seam (and a less-obvious second seam)... Read More

SAR data over Guam (part IV)

RADARSAT-2 overflew Guam early on 10 November 2022, and the toggle above shows both Himawari-8 imagery at that time with the SAR wind estimates overlain. This was a time of light winds and minimal shower activity. It’s interesting that the wake of weak winds downwind of the islands of Guam... Read More

SAR data over Guam

After a request from the National Weather Service Pacific Region, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data are available over/around Guam. These data are available at this NOAA/NESDIS website, and also via anonymous ftp from There will be 10 overpasses between 1 and 24 November. The first RADARSAT overpass occurred at 0839 UTC on... Read More