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Category: General interpretation

Satellite Views of Meteor Vapor Trail Over Russia

A Meteor entered the Earth’s atmosphere over the Ural Mountains of western Russia today at approximately 0320 UTC (09:20 AM local time). The visible image from just after sunrise, above, from the Chinese FY-2D satellite shows an east-west plume, likely from the meteor, near Chelyabinsk. Meteosat-9 also captured the event... Read More

“Billow cloud” formations near the Hawaiian Islands

The AWIPS images above (click to play animation) showed low-resolution GOES-15 10.7 µm IR data with an overlay of the surface analysis and pilot reports of turbulence. A number of reports of moderate turbulence could be seen in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands (at altitudes between 9,000 and 27,000... Read More

Bay-Effect Snow Showers over Virginia and North Carolina

The Arctic airmass that has overspread the eastern two-thirds of the United States is cold enough that sustained northerly winds down the length of Chesapeake Bay yielded snow showers over extreme southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina. The Suomi/NPP Visible image, above, shows a distinct cloud band over the eastern... Read More