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Category: Cryosphere

Interpreting IR imagery in bitter cold

The dominant story in the continental United States on February 18 is the significant winter weather that is impacting nearly every state east of the Rocky Mountains. A glance at this morning’s National Weather Service alert map shows a continuous band of cold weather warnings from the Canadian border down... Read More

High Resolution Views of a Lake Michigan Winter

High spatial resolution satellites like the Landsat series operated by NASA and the US Geological Survey, or Sentinel operated by the European Space Agency, are often used for land process investigations. Their very high spatial resolution comes at the cost of less frequent overpasses over specific locations, and so they... Read More

Ice in Lake Erie

5-minute CONUS Sector GOES-16 (GOES-East) Visible images (above) showed ice across much of Lake Erie on 27th January 2025. The far western and far eastern parts of the lake were covered in fast ice — while the motion of drift ice within the central portion of the lake was being influenced by... Read More