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Category: Arctic

Ice leads in the eastern Beaufort Sea

A sequence of Suomi-NPP VIIRS Visible images (above) showed the formation of large ice leads in the eastern Beaufort Sea — as well as the growth of a polynya adjacent to the coast near the Alaska/Yukon border — during the 5-day period from 07-11 March 2025.Suomi-NPP VIIRS Shortwave Infrared images... Read More

Microwave Snowfall Rate over southeast Alaska

GOES-18 infrared imagery, above, shows a cyclonic circulation over the northeastern Gulf of Alaska. Shower development is suggested by the evolution of brightness temperatures changing from cyan to blue to green (showing cooling); showers then dissipate as the brightness temperatures warm. Do you think these are showers of rain or... Read More

NUCAPS and microwave snow estimates over Alaska

NUCAPS estimates of temperature and dewpoint give swaths of information over the Arctic — a region where conventional observations are uncommon and widely spaced. The toggle above shows a disorganized low pressure system over central Alaska — light snow is widespread as shown by the surface observations, below (and in... Read More