Tropical Storm Bret
McIDAS images of GOES-13 0.63 µm visible channel data (above; click image to play animation) showed the cyclonic circulation of clouds and the convective bursts associated with the development of Tropical Storm Bret in the western Atlantic Ocean north of the Bahamas on 17 July 2011.
A morning AWIPS image of MODIS 11.0 µm IR channel data with an overlay of MetOp Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT) surface winds (below) indicated a broad cyclonic flow with maximum velocities around 22 knots at 14:23 UTC.
Later in the day, a DMSP-18 SSMIS 85 GHz microwave image from the CIMSS Tropical Cyclones site (below) showed that the deep convection was limited to the eastern semicircle of the tropical cyclone at that time, due to the presence of some westerly wind shear.