Hurricane Force Low approaches the Aleutian Islands

GOES-18 Air Mass RGB images, from 1530 UTC on 02 January to 1900 UTC on 03 January [click to play animated GIF]
As the low passed near Buoy 46072 (located just east of PAAK), the pressure there dropped to 942.7 hPa at 1940 UTC on 02 January (below).
GOES-18 Air Mass RGB images with plots of Metop ASCAT winds at 2150 UTC on 02 January and 0730 UTC on 03 January (below) depicted wind speeds in the 50-60 knot range to the south and southwest of the low center.

GOES-18 Air Mass RGB images with Metop ASCAT winds plotted in cyan, at 2150 UTC on 02 January and 0730 UTC on 03 January [click to enlarge]