GOES-17 sees Landsat 9 Rocket Plume
The ABI on NOAA‘s GOES-17 (GOES-West) was able to see the Landsat 9 rocket plume from Vandenberg Space Force base. The plume was most evident on ABI bands 7 (3.9 µm) and 8 (6.2 µm), using the mesoscale sector (1) on September 27, 2021.
The same animation as above, but as an animated gif. The 18:15 UTC image. CONUS and Full Disk 16-panel ABI images are also posted, for both GOES-16 and GOES-17. Similar, 6-panel (ABI bands 1-6) in both mp4 and animated gif formats where the plume shadow is evident.
The same “rocket plume” RGB animation as above, but as an animated gif. The 18:15 UTC image. A similar loop from AWIPS via Bill Line. More on the ‘rocket plume’ RGB: quick guide and CIMSS Satellite Blog post.
The plume shadow was also seen by the ABI, as noted in this NASA Earth Observation post.
NOAA GOES–17 data are via the University of Wisconsin-Madison SSEC Satellite Data Services. McIDAS-X was used the generate the 16-panel imagery, while geo2grid was used to generate the ‘rocket plume’ RGB. Thanks also to Todd Beltracchi and Scott Bachmeier.