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Category: GOES-17

Blowing dust across parts of Mexico, New Mexico and Texas — as viewed by 4 GOES

10-minute Full Disk scan Dust RGB images from GOES-18 (GOES-West), GOES-17, GOES-19 (Preliminary/Non-operational) and GOES-16 (GOES-East) created using Geo2Grid (above) showed vivid signatures of blowing dust (brighter shades of magenta) that originated over parts of northern Mexico and southwestern New Mexico — and was subsequently transported northeastward across southern New Mexico... Read More


The GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) have been around since 1975, although there were earlier non-operational versions operated by NASA, such as ATS, which carried UW/Madison’s Verner Suomi‘s Spin-Scan Cloudcover Camera. The ATS was followed by the SMS, which carried an early version of the VISSR.To prepare for the 50th anniversary of GOES,... Read More

NOAA’s Birthday

NOAA was formed on October 3, 1970. To commemorate this date, a few GOES related figures. GOES has been around since 1975, although there were earlier non-operational versions operated by NASA, such as ATS.H/TThese GOES-19 ABI are early images (preliminary and non-operational), beta stage. Both McIDAS-X and geo2grid software was used in... Read More