Training materials
ProbSevere v2
Real-time page.
Training video and slides

Click for Powerpoint Articulate Training ModuleDownload Training Slides
GRLevelX placefiles (v2.60+ required for loops)
Publications and presentations
- ProbSevere Version 3: Improved Exploitation of Data Fusion and Machine Learning for Nowcasting Severe Weather, WAF (2024)
- NOAA ProbSevere v2.0--ProbHail, ProbWind, and ProbTor, WAF (2020)
- The NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Model: Incorporation of Total Lightning and Validation, WAF (2018)
- An Empirical Model for Assessing the Severe Weather Potential of Developing Convection, WAF (2014)
- Evolution of Severe and Nonsevere Convection Inferred from GOES-Derived Cloud Properties, JAMC (2013)
- A Satellite-Based Convective Cloud Object Tracking and Multipurpose Data Fusion Tool with Application to Developing Convection, J. Tech. (2012)
- Advances in Extracting Cloud Composition Information from Spaceborn Infrared Radiances--A Robust Alternative to Brightness Temperatures. Part I: Theory, JAMC (2010)
- Preliminary Evaluation of a Fused Algorithm for the Prediction of Severe Storms, AMS Annual Meeting (2014)
- NWS Great Lakes SOOs talk (2018)
- NWS Great Lakes SOOs talk (2016)
- NWS Southern Region talk (2016)
- NWS Western Region talk (2016)
- NWS Central Region talk (2015)
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ProbSevere v3
Experimental real-time page.
Training video and slides
Training slides
Model predictors
GRLevelX placefiles (v2.60+ required)
Publications and presentations
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See this blog post for a succinct introduction to IntenseStormNet. Other related posts can be found on the CIMSS satellite blog and GOES-R HWT blog.
Experimental real-time page.
Publications and presentations
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LightningCast (probability of lightning)
See this blog post for a succinct introduction to LightningCast.
Experimental real-time page.
Training video and slides
Download training slides
GRLevelX placefiles (v2.60+ required)
These placefiles are all parallax-corrected with a constant cloud-height assumption of 9 km.
Publications and presentations
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