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The Bahamas: MODIS true color and MODIS sea surface temperature

A MODIS true color image displayed using Google Earth (above) shows striking variations in the color of the water in the region around the Bahamas and southern Florida on 05 February 2008. The lighter blue water colors indicate the extent of the relatively shallow banks (water generally less than 25 meters... Read More

MODIS true color image (Google Earth)

A MODIS true color image displayed using Google Earth (above) shows striking variations in the color of the water in the region around the Bahamas and southern Florida on 05 February 2008. The lighter blue water colors indicate the extent of the relatively shallow banks (water generally less than 25 meters deep) that surround the islands, where sunlight is reflecting off the sand and coral reefs just below the water surface; in contrast, the much darker blue colors indicate significantly deeper waters (generally 2000-4000 meters deep) where the ocean floor drops off dramatically.

An AWIPS image of the MODIS Sea Surface Temperature (below) indicated that the SST values were several degrees cooler in the shallow water banks (72º-75ºF, yellow to light orange enhancement) than in the adjacent deeper waters (77º-79ºF, darker orange to red enhancement). The cloud streets seen over Florida in the true color image were oriented parallel to the boundary layer winds around the southwestern periphery of a large area of high pressure centered over the western Atlantic Ocean (note the relatively cloud-free “shadow” immediately downwind of Lake Okeechobee).

MODIS sea surface temperature

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Dust storm over the Arabian Peninsula

Amato Evan captured some awesome Google Earth AVHRR images of a large dust storm that was affecting the Arabian Peninsula during the 01-04 February 2008 period. A rare winter case of northerly “shamal” winds (producing gusts of 35 mph) was creating the massive cloud of blowing dust and blowing sand. ... Read More

AVHRR false color image (Google Earth)

Amato Evan captured some awesome Google Earth AVHRR images of a large dust storm that was affecting the Arabian Peninsula during the 01-04 February 2008 period. A rare winter case of northerly “shamal” winds (producing gusts of 35 mph) was creating the massive cloud of blowing dust and blowing sand.

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Blowing dust in Texas

A very cold arctic air mass was in place across parts of the Canadian Prairies, with many sites in Alberta reporting surface temperatures colder than -40º F (-40º C) on the morning of 29 January 2008; the leading edge of this arctic air was surging rapidly southward across the Great Plains of the US as a strong cold frontal... Read More

GOES-12 6.5µm water vapor images (Animated GIF)

A very cold arctic air mass was in place across parts of the Canadian Prairies, with many sites in Alberta reporting surface temperatures colder than -40º F (-40º C) on the morning of 29 January 2008; the leading edge of this arctic air was surging rapidly southward across the Great Plains of the US as a strong cold frontal boundary. AWIPS images of the GOES-12 6.5µm “water vapor channel” (above) actually showed a signature of a gravity wave along the leading edge of the cold front as it moved southward across Nebraska and Kansas into Texas and Oklahoma. This lee-side cold frontal gravity wave feature could be detected on the water vapor channel imagery due to the fact that the airmass ahead of the front was quite dry, which shifted the altitude of the GOES-12 water vapor channel weighting function to much lower altitudes compared to what would be seen in a more typical airmass.

Strong pre-frontal and post-frontal winds were responsible for creating a large area of blowing dust across Texas during the afternoon hours, as seen on consecutive Terra (18:15 UTC, or 12:15 pm local time) and Aqua (19:50 UTC, or 1:50 pm local time) MODIS true color images from the SSEC MODIS Today site (below). This blowing dust reduced surface visibility to as low as 2 miles at San Angelo, Texas.

MODIS true color images (Animated GIF)

The windy conditions (several wind gusts in Texas were in excess of 60 mph) and very dry air were also creating an environment favorable for small wildfires; note that a number of fire “hot spots” (black pixels) could be seen on an AWIPS image of the MODIS 3.7µm shortwave IR channel (below).

MODIS 3.7µm IR image

The SSEC MODIS Today true color image from the Aqua satellite displayed using Google Earth (below) showed exactly which counties and highways in Texas were being impacted by the large cloud of blowing dust. In addition, a smoke plume from small wildfire that was burning just southeast of Abilene, Texas could be seen streaming south/southeastward.

MODIS true color image (Google Earth)

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Cold night-time temperatures in the Upper Midwest

AWIPS images of the 4-km resolution GOES-12 10.7µm IR channel (above) showed that the land surfaces across the Upper Midwest region exhibited very cold brightness temperature values (darker blue enhancement) during the pre-dawn hours on 24 January 2008 — GOES IR brightness temperatures were as cold as -36ºC in northern... Read More

GOES-12 10.7µm IR images (Animated GIF)

AWIPS images of the 4-km resolution GOES-12 10.7µm IR channel (above) showed that the land surfaces across the Upper Midwest region exhibited very cold brightness temperature values (darker blue enhancement) during the pre-dawn hours on 24 January 2008 — GOES IR brightness temperatures were as cold as -36ºC in northern Wisconsin, and -38ºC in northern Minnesota. Most of the area seen in the images above was cloud-free (except for the lake-effect cloud bands downwind of Lake Superior and Lake Michigan); the cloud-free surfaces could then be seen warming very quickly after sunrise. Much of the northcentral US had a deep snow cover of at least 5-10 inches, with snow depths of 15-30 inches common in northern Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan; this deep snow cover (along with cloud-free skies and light winds) allowed for very strong radiational cooling of the air near the surface.

A higher-resolution (1-km) view using the MODIS 11.0µm IR channel and the MODIS fog/stratus product (below) revealed an amazing amount of structure in the surface brightness temperature field over the region (much of which was driven by terrain, with cold air drainage into low-lying areas such as river valleys); the coldest MODIS IR brightness temperatures sampled on the AWIPS images were -38ºC in northern Wisconsin and -42ºC in northern Minnesota. The MODIS fog/stratus product (created by computing the 11.0µm – 3.7µm brightness temperature difference) confirmed that there were no areas of fog or stratus cloud contributing to the interesting IR temperature structure seen across much of the Upper Midwest region around 08:20 UTC (2:20 AM local time). Note the appearance of “urban heat islands” (warmer IR temperatures, cyan enhancement) around cities such as Minneapolis, Minnesota and Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

MODIS IR + fog/stratus product (Animated GIF)

NWS cooperative observer overnight minimum temperatures were as cold as -31ºF (-35ºC) at Sparta, Wisconsin and -39ºF (-39ºC) at Embarrass, Minnesota. There was also a reported minimum temperature of -51ºF (-46ºC) at a Minnesota Department of Transportation site northwest of Duluth (below), but the temperature data from that particular site appeared to be suspect.

Minnesota mesonet minimum temperatures

Such cold temperatures aided in the formation of ice along the near-shore waters of western Lake Superior, as seen the following afternoon in a 250m-resolution MODIS true color image from the MODIS Today site (below). Lake Superior is the largest and deepest of the Great Lakes, and is usually the last to experience significant ice formation during the winter months.

MODIS true color image

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