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Ice Jam flooding on the Kankakee River in Illinois

A cold snap in mid-January 2024 (Click here to see a High/Low temperature chart for Aurora Illinois from this site) led to rapid ice formation on the Kankakee River southwest of Chicago, and an ice jam with ice jam flooding subsequently developed. The map above shows different flood gauge records along... Read More

Flood Gauges at sites along the Kankakee River, data from 15-22 January 2024 (Click to enlarge)

A cold snap in mid-January 2024 (Click here to see a High/Low temperature chart for Aurora Illinois from this site) led to rapid ice formation on the Kankakee River southwest of Chicago, and an ice jam with ice jam flooding subsequently developed. The map above shows different flood gauge records along the Kankakee (source). Flooding is occurring near the Wilmington IL flood gauge. The toggle below illustrates the small size of the Kankakee River relative to the 375-m VIIRS pixel size used in the Flood Product (available here)! Flood detection from an ice jam will be a challenge. (Editor’s note: I regret not clearing my Google search/cookies before creating this imagery, and shortly after searching for dog kennels)

RealEarth displays of VIIRS 1-day composite flood product (11 January 2024) and underlying terrain (Click to enlarge)

The animation below compares views on 11 January (when the ground was mostly bare), 13 January (after a snow storm and cold snap) and 14 January 2024 (12 January was a cloudy day). The domain is larger than shown in the toggle above. Note the change from bare ground on the 11th to snow-covered on the 13th, and the change from open water on the 11th to ice on the 14th. A single red pixel is present near Wilmington on the 13th; however, the river was not above flood stage at that time.

VIIRS 1-day Flood Composite product, 11, 13, 14 January 2024 (Click to enlarge)

What happened from 14-20 January, specifically as the river exceeds flood stage on the 16th? The small river appears to be mostly ice-covered (cyan), with occasional water detections. There are more open water detections downstream of Lorenzo IL, where the river gauge does not suggest flood conditions. An important question would be: are the water detections close to Wilmington showing water associated with the ice jam? That’s a hard question to answer with this product.

VIIRS 1-day Flood Composite product, 14-19 January 2024 (Click to enlarge)

Views from 19-21 January 2024, show, so more of the same. Ice cover with occasional open-water detection.

VIIRS 1-day Flood Composite product, 19-21 January 2024 (Click to enlarge)

On 22-23 January, clouds prevented VIIRS flood detection. A news story on the 22nd (link) suggests the ice jam effects are lessening, in part because of the diversion of warm water from a power plant.

Sentinel-2 imagery from 20 January 2024 (link) can be matched to drone images show at this news link, as shown in the toggle below. In this region near the I-55 bridge, water has no overflown the river banks.

Sentinel-2 imagery over the Kankakee river, 20 January 2024 (Click to enlarge); Drone imagery is inset, and landmarks in the the images are matched.

Thanks to Sarah Marquardt, NWS MKX, for alerting us to this event. A flood warning remains in effect for this event through 29 January 2024.

Sentinel-1A overflew this region at 2349 UTC on 23 January 2024, and the SAR Ice image is shown below. Cyan is ice, blue is open water. The Kankakee River is still largely ice-covered, but with some fracture ice. The Service Hydrologist at the Chicago NWS Office reports that fractured and jumped ice is present (although not shown in the image below) from the island in the Kankakee River upstream to the I-55 bridge and beyond.

SAR Ice Product from Sentinel-1A data, 2349 UTC on 23 January 2024 (Click to enlarge)

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Large waves over the Central and South Pacific Ocean

Damaging waves hit the Marshall Islands on 19 January 2024, causing considerable damage, and the northern shores of American Samoa on 22 January 2024, leaving behind considerable debris, as shown below (photos courtesy NWS Pago Pago). The waves could be tracked using Altimetric data as viewed at this NOAA/NESDIS website; data for the globe and also data around... Read More

Damaging waves hit the Marshall Islands on 19 January 2024, causing considerable damage, and the northern shores of American Samoa on 22 January 2024, leaving behind considerable debris, as shown below (photos courtesy NWS Pago Pago).

Debris deposited by large waves in Fale?sao, Manu’a, American Samoa, 22 January 2024 (Click to enlarge)
Debris deposited by large waves in Maloata, Tutuila, American Samoa, 22 January 2024 (Click to enlarge)

The waves could be tracked using Altimetric data as viewed at this NOAA/NESDIS website; data for the globe and also data around the Marshall Islands were saved from that website and shown below. A second website (that contains data over South Pacific around Samoa, which data are routinely taken from the NOAA/NESDIS website and stitched into a larger field) was used to save imagery around American Samoa as shown below. Plots at these websites show Significant Wave Height, that is, the mean of the highest 1/3rd of the waves. The global animation, below, centered on the Pacific, shows a region of higher waves moving southward through the western Pacific; stars show the location of the Marshall Islands (20 January) and American Samoa (22 January), at the approximate time of the waves’ arrival at those locations.

Altimetric observations of Significant Wave Heights, 0000-1200 UTC observations, 15-23 January 2024 (Click to enlarge). The orange line shows the boundary between <12 and >12 foot waves; Stars show the Marshall Islands (20 January) and American Samoa (22 January), the approximate times of the large waves.

The animation below is zoomed in over the Marshall Islands, and covers 0o to 20oN Latitude, 180-150oE Longitude. Note the southward progression of progressively larger waves through the animation. The purple box is the approximate location of Roi-Namur, the island where the damage discussed in the Army Times article above occurred.

Altimetric Observations of Significant Wave Height over the central Pacific, 17-20 January 2024, times as indicated. The location of Roi-Namur in the Marshall Islands is indicated by the purple box. A Green Arrow shows a boundary between waves <12 Feet and >12 Feet; note its southward progression during this time (Click to enlarge)

The animation below shows American Samoa (highlighted in the Green Box). Wave heights increase from around 7 to 11 feet in advance of the large waves’ arrival on Tutuila and Manu’a. A High Surf warning was issued by the forecast office in Pago Pago.

Altimetric observations of Significant Wave Height, 21-22 January 2024, times as indicated. (Click to enlarge)

What caused these waves? Forecast model output (courtesy Eric Lau, NWS PRH), below, shows hurricane-force winds (in yellow, between 160o and 170oE longitude) generated by a potent extratropical cyclone to the east of Japan. The strong winds are present for about 24 hours, and the region of strongest winds translates with the predicted wind direction. The similarities between the wind direction and the motion of the speed maximum suggest that dynamic fetch may have been responsible for the extraordinary waves.

GFS Forecast Surface Winds, 1200 UTC 17 January 2024 – 1200 22 UTC January 2024 (Click to enlarge)

WPC OPC analyses, below, (also from Eric Lau) show the rapid development of the storm from 1003 mb on 1200 UTC.16 January 2024 to 964 mb on 1200 UTC/17 January 2024. The storm started to weaken starting at 1200 UTC/18 January 2024.

WPC Surface Analyses every 6 hours from 0000 UTC 16 January 2024 to 0000 UTC 19 January 2024 (Click to enlarge)

What did the satellite data look like during this time period? The airmass RGB animation, below, (created from geo2grid using Himawari-9 data supplied by JMA), shows the development of a strong, but not necessarily unusually strong, storm. Recall that the strongest winds were predicted to be between 160 and 170oE, from 1200 UTC on the 17th to 1800 UTC on the 18th.

Himawari-9 airmass RGB imagery, 0000 UTC 15 January 2024 through 0000 UTC 21 January 2024

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Opening of the Kivalliq Polynya in northwestern Hudson Bay

A toggle between NOAA-20 VIIRS Day/Night Band and Infrared Window images valid at 0827 UTC (2:27 AM local time) on 22 January 2024 (above) showed an opening of the Kivalliq Polynya along the northwest coast of Hudson Bay — which was the result of a period of strong offshore winds (Arviat Airport CYEK observations),... Read More

NOAA-20 VIIRS Day/Night Band (0.7 µm) and Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images, valid at 0827 UTC [click to enlarge]

A toggle between NOAA-20 VIIRS Day/Night Band and Infrared Window images valid at 0827 UTC (2:27 AM local time) on 22 January 2024 (above) showed an opening of the Kivalliq Polynya along the northwest coast of Hudson Bay — which was the result of a period of strong offshore winds (Arviat Airport CYEK observations), which tend to push thicker first year ice away from the Nunavut and Manitoba coast. With cold arctic air blowing across the polynya, a layer of thin ice quickly begins to grow where the thicker ice was displaced.

During the following daytime hours, a comparison of NOAA-20 VIIRS Visible, Near-Infrared and Infrared Window images valid at 1820 UTC (below) displayed the lower reflectance of the polynya ice in Visible imagery (which was also evident, via reflected moonlight, in the earlier Day/Night Band image) — along with horizontal convective rolls in the Near-Infrared image, highlighting bands of blowing snow moving east-southeastward across Hudson Bay.

NOAA-20 VIIRS Visible (0.64 µm), Near-Infrared (1.61 µm) and Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images, valid at 1820 UTC [click to enlarge]

In a toggle between NOAA-20 VIIRS Visible and ATMS MiRS Sea Ice Concentration images (below) the Sea Ice Concentration within the polynya was as low as 88% (darker red pixels).

NOAA-20 VIIRS Visible (0.64 µm) and ATMS MiRS Sea Ice Concentration images, valid at 1820 UTC [click to enlarge]

Suomi-NPP VIIRS Ice Surface Temperature (IST) and Sea Ice Concentration (SIC) products (below) displayed gradients in those parameters within the polynya, with warmer IST and lower SIC values closer to the coast. The IST gradient was more notable, being about 10 K warmer near the coast.

Suomi-NPP VIIRS Ice Surface Temperature product at 1917 UTC (credit: Rich Dworak, CIMSS) [click to enlarge]

Suomi-NPP VIIRS Sea Ice Concentration product at 1917 UTC (credit: Rich Dworak, CIMSS) [click to enlarge]

A sequence of GOES-16 True Color RGB images (source) from 1540-2030 UTC on 21 January and 22 January (below) showed a widening of the Kivalliq Polynya during that 2-day period.

GOES-16 True Color RGB images, from 1540-2030 UTC on 21 January and 22 January [click to play MP4 animation]

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Improvements to the CSPP Geosphere Site

The CSPP Geosphere site uses cloud-compatible technology with an on-site cluster and CSPP-Geo software (including geo2grid) to provide high-quality imagery from GOES-East and GOES-West. The site has recently been upgraded, with two level 2 products added (Cloud-top Height and Cloud-top Temperature). In addition, the landing (front) page of the site has been... Read More

CSPP Geosphere site, with annotation (Click to enlarge)

The CSPP Geosphere site uses cloud-compatible technology with an on-site cluster and CSPP-Geo software (including geo2grid) to provide high-quality imagery from GOES-East and GOES-West. The site has recently been upgraded, with two level 2 products added (Cloud-top Height and Cloud-top Temperature). In addition, the landing (front) page of the site has been improved, as shown in the toggle above. The displayed image remains True Color (day time) and Night Microphysics (night time), but icons have been added on the left (as indicated) to change the Satellite (GOES-East and GOES-West are available); to change the Sector (Mode 6: Full Disk, CONUS/PACUS, 2 Mesoscale Sectors; Mode 4: Full Disk); to select the number of Frames (Default: 12 timesteps, no times skipped); to select a location on which to center; to select a latitude/longitude point on which to center; to toggle on/off auto-reloading, and to toggle on/off a mouse probe. On the right hand side, lower right, are icons to bring up the share menu, and also to enlarge the image to fit the screen. In the bottom left is link to a menu to select the products to be displayed, as shown below.

The Layers highlighted in Blue are what is currently displayed; these can be toggled off and on. Other layers that can be shown are in gray. Click a (grey) box to toggle on the band or product (or map/lat-lon grid); note that only three Bands/Level 2 fields can be displayed at once. When more than one field is displayed, they are overlain on top of each other, and can be toggled on and off for quick qualitative comparisons between fields. The Level 2 products — Cloud Top Height and Cloud Top Temperature — have information only where clouds are present, and are transparent otherwise.

Layer Selection Menu, annotated (Click to enlarge)

The screen capture below shows the result of two samplings at 1850 UTC on 22 January 2024 (Full Disk GOES-16 Data): for single band data, the probe is detecting the grey-scale in the 8-bit image, and uses knowledge of the enhancement to determine a brightness temperature or reflectance. For Level 2 products (Cloud Top Height and Cloud Top Temperature), the probe again detects the color shown, and displays the value range appropriate for the sensed color. In other words, the probe is not accessing the raw data used to create the image.

CSPP Geosphere imagery, Cloud Top Height (m), Band 4 (not displayed, but sampled), Band 3 (displayed and sampled), 22 January 2024, 1850 UTC (Click to enlarge)

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