Archive: Mar 2013
20-year anniversary of the March 1993 “Storm of the Century”
The 12–14 March 1993 “Storm of the Century” (aka “the ’93 Superstorm” or “the Great Blizzard of 1993”) was one of the most significant storms to impact the eastern United States (NWS Wilmington NC summary). McIDAS images of EUMETSAT Meteosat-3 Infrared (11.5 µm) channel images (above) showed the storm as it initially began to experience... Read More
Fog and stratus deck over the North Slope region of Alaska
The Area Forecast Discussion issued by the National Weather Service forecast office in Fairbanks mentioned the presence of a layer of fog and stratus over parts of the North Slope region of Alaska:NORTHERN ALASKA FORECAST DISCUSSION NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FAIRBANKS AK 1258 PM AKDT MON MAR 11 2013 NORTH SLOPE…THE... Read More
Thunderstorms over Arizona: turbulence, hail, and damaging winds
AWIPS images of MODIS 0.64 µm visible channel and 6.7 µm water vapor channel images with an overlay of CRAS model 500 hPa geopotential height contours (above) showed an upper-level trough of low pressure that was moving inland across southern California and Arizona on Read More