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Category: Software

Using CSPP’s polar2grid to create mappings of sea-surface temperature

The Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) allows a user to manipulate VIIRS data to create high-quality, full-resolution imagery (see, for example, this I05 example, and this Day Night Band example, and this I01 example). In addition to single-band images, imagery for products such as Advanced Clear Sky Processor for Ocean (ACSPO) sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) can also be created, as shown above. Polar2grid software... Read More

Creating customized brightness temperature ranges in Polar2Grid

Polar2Grid is a powerful software package that enables a user to take Sensor Data Record (SDR) files from JPSS satellites (Suomi-NPP, NOAA-20, NOAA-21) and create high-quality georeferenced imagery that can be color-enhanced. (Polar2Grid also works with data from other polar orbiting satellites!) This blog post details how to scale an... Read More