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Category: Other Satellites

Comparing SAR wind data to GOES-16 ABI imagery

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery can be used to produce very high resolution mapping of winds. Imagery is available in selected domains at this NOAA/OSPO website; OSPO is the Office of Satellite Product Observations. Data are available from three different satellites: Sentinel-1/Sentinel-2 (managed by the European Space Agency) and RADARSAT (managed by the Canadian Space Agency). These space-borne radars can... Read More

Typhoon Chanhom south of Japan

Multi-spectral views from Himawari-8’s “Target Sector” that provides 2-minute imagery, above, show weakening Typhoon Chan-hom south of Japan. The Typhoon shows a sheared structure, with the surface circulation southwest of the main convection, a shift that is especially evident in the Band 5 1.61 µm channel that differentiates between low... Read More