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Category: Other Satellites

Ice in Lake Erie

5-minute CONUS Sector GOES-16 (GOES-East) Visible images (above) showed ice across much of Lake Erie on 27th January 2025. The far western and far eastern parts of the lake were covered in fast ice — while the motion of drift ice within the central portion of the lake was being influenced by... Read More

True Color Imagery at different scales

While Wisconsin endures a very cold airmass without the brightening benefit of snow, various satellites continue to take spectacular imagery.  The GOES-16 True Color imagery above, from the CSPP Geosphere site, shows a clear scene and snowless features over southern Wisconsin (except over Racine and Kenosha counties in far southeast WI where... Read More

Sentinel 2A views Vermont Flooding

Vermont was hit with its worst flooding in over a century, making it one of the worst natural disasters in the state’s history. Rains dumped up to nine inches from Monday, July 9 and into Tuesday, July 10, 2023. Major roads and highways were shut down, and more than 200 rescues... Read More