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Category: NUCAPS

GOES-16 ABI Legacy Profiles and Suomi NPP NUCAPS Profiles in AWIPS

NUCAPS (NOAA-Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System) vertical profiles have been available in AWIPS for some time now (Click here to see how to access them in AWIPS; they are also available online at this site). Legacy Atmospheric Profiles (LAP) derived from ABI Channels (and GFS Information) are available in AWIPS now as well (horizontal fields derived from LAP soundings are available online as well).... Read More

Severe Weather in the Pacific Northwest

Strong moisture-laden storms caused abundant precipitation and severe weather over the Pacific Northwest from 13-15 October 2016. The animation above shows two storms making landfall in the Pacific Northwest, one on 13-14 October and a second, on 15 October, which was a storm that originated from the remnants of Typhoon... Read More