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Category: Microwave

TROPICS views of Cyclone Mocha

TROPICS (Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of SmallSats) satellite observations include microwave data at 12 different frequencies between 91.6 and 204.8 GHz. (Click here for a Satellite Book Club presentation on TROPICS). A TROPICS launch occurred from New Zealand in early May (link), boosting two satellites into orbit; a second launch is pending. In addition, TROPICS Pathfinder... Read More

Cyclone Mocha reaches Category 5 intensity

JMA Himawari-9 Infrared Window (10.4 µm) images of Cyclone Mocha in the Bay of Bengal on 13 May 2023 (above) displayed cold clouds surrounding an eye that gradually became more cloud-cleared — with isolated cloud-top infrared brightness temperature values of -90ºC and colder (yellow pixels embedded within dark purple regions).... Read More