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Category: Marine weather

Fog in the Gulf of Maine

Fog that formed in the Gulf of Maine on Tuesday July 8th developed when relatively moist air moved from the continent over the cooler ocean waters and was cooled from beneath by conduction to the dewpoint. In other words, Advection Fog.An obvious question arises from the loop: Why does the... Read More

Undular Bore off of Africa

Jesse Ferrell highlighted an undular bore emerging off the coast of Africa this morning, as seen in the annotated 1200 UTC Meteosat-9 image above (or click here). Bores occur when impulses move underneath stable layers, exciting a series of closely-spaced lines of clouds, as shown here, for example. Bores are associated with... Read More

Wildfire in North Carolina

AWIPS images of the MODIS visible and 3.7 µm shortwave IR channels (above) showed smoke and a “hot spot” associated with a large wildfire that had burned over 30,000 acres in the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern North Carolina on 07 June 2008.The fire was started by lightning about... Read More