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Category: GOES-19


The GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) have been around since 1975, although there were earlier non-operational versions operated by NASA, such as ATS, which carried UW/Madison’s Verner Suomi‘s Spin-Scan Cloudcover Camera. The ATS was followed by the SMS, which carried an early version of the VISSR.To prepare for the 50th anniversary of GOES,... Read More

Lake effect clouds (producing light snow) in North Dakota

GOES-19 (Preliminary/Non-operational) Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB images (above) — created using Geo2Grid — displayed supercooled “lake effect” clouds (shades of white) streaming southeast off Lake Sakakawea in northwestern North Dakota on 25th November 2024. A smaller cloud plume was also seen streaming southeast off Devils Lake in northeastern North Dakota. Existing snow cover appeared as shades of green... Read More