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Category: GOES-12

Cold cloud top temperatures

A large Mesoscale Convective System formed over the Gulf of Mexico (just off the Texas coast) on 15 October, and this convection exhibited some very cold cloud top temperatures on AWIPS images of IR window channel data (above) — IR brightness temperatures... Read More

Stratospheric intrusion vorticies

GOES-12 6.5 µm water vapor channel imagery (QuickTime animation, above) revealed a series of vortices migrating southward along the western periphery of the large cold-core polar vortex that was centered over  southern Ontario on 13 September. Instability-like fragmentation of a Read More

Warm and cold conveyor belts

A deep cyclone was intensifying over the Mid-Atlantic states on 06 October; this storm was eventually responsible for heavy rains and high winds that caused flooding over parts of Virginia. The AWIPS GOES water vapor channel image at 11:45 UTC (above) showed... Read More

Gulf Stream, and Autumn color

The AWIPS MODIS Sea Surface Temperature product (above) reveals the dramatic water temperature contrast associated with the Gulf Stream off the East Coast of the US on 04 October. Sea surface temperatures were as warm as 81 F (red enhancement) along the axis of the Gulf Stream off the... Read More