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Stories by Scott Bachmeier

Intensifying upper-level low over Florida

AWIPS images of the GOES-12 6.5µm “water vapor” channel (above) show an upper-level low that was intensifying over Florida during the day on 18 September 2007. As warm/dry middle to upper tropospheric air (yellow enhancement) wrapped around and into the southwestern quadrant of the cyclone, convection was seen to develop along the... Read More

Fog in Pennsylvania and New York

AWIPS images of the MODIS fog/stratus product (above) and the corresponding GOES-12 fog/stratus product (below) revealed areas of fog that were forming in the valleys of Pennsylvania and New York around 08 UTC (4am local time) on 17 September 2007. The 1-km resolution MODIS imagery offered a more detailed view of the... Read More