Widespread fire activity in Oklahoma
AWIPS images of 1-km resolution POES AVHRR 0.63 µm visible and POES AVHRR 3.7 µm shortwave IR data (above) showed a large number of IR “hot spots” (black to red to yellow color enhancement) due to widespread fire activity across southeastern Oklahoma on 10 March 2011. One well-defined smoke plume could be sen streaming southeastward ffrom one of the larger fires.
On the following day (11 March 2011), the POES AVHRR 3.7 µm shortwave IR image again displayed a large number of fire hot spots over that same region.
CIMSS participation in GOES-R Proving Ground activities includes making a variety of POES AVHRR images and products available for National Weather Service offices to add to their local AWIPS workstations.