Subtropical Storm Biguá near the coast of Brazil

GOES-16 daytime True Color RGB + Nighttime Microphysics RGB images, from 1200 UTC on 14th December to 1200 UTC on 16th December [click to play MP4 animation]
12-hourly surface analyses shown below (source) indicated that this subtropical storm developed as an area of low pressure (denoted by a red “B”) moved southeast across Rio Grande do Sul on 14th December, becoming classified as Subtropical Storm (“Tempestade Subtropical”) Biguá shortly after it moved offshore at 0000 UTC on 15th December. 24 hours later, Biguá was downgraded to a Subtropical Depression (“Depressao Subtropical”) at 0000 UTC on 16th December.

Surface analyses from 0000 UTC on 14th December to 0000 UTC on 17th December [click to play animated GIF | MP4]