Cold Air Outbreak
NOAA‘s GOES ABI has been monitoring the late year cold air outbreak over the contiguous US.
Infrared Imagery
During these extreme cold air outbreaks, it may seem like the infrared imagery “confuses” clouds and the cold ground, but this isn’t the case as the instrument just monitors the heat of the radiating surface, be it a cold cloud top or cold land (or warmer sea surfaces). More likely, as the case below, a certain temperature threshold is used for the color enhancement, in this case colder than -20C. More imagery, including the CONUS sectors. A still image from 13 UTC on December 23, 2022.
Land Surface Temperature
The Land Surface Temperature is one of the many derived products from the ABI. Both the Full Disk and CONUS sectors are included. Note how the cold air has come from central Canada.
Cloud Heights
Cloud heights are another derived quantity from the ABI radiances. Most algorithms are able to discern the cold ground from cold clouds.
And the corresponding legend.
Thanks to all those to help produce the GOES radiances and derived products. More information on Level 2 products.