A view of California wildfires from 4 GOES
From left to right, GOES-17, GOES-15, GOES-14 and GOES-16 Visible images [click to play animation | MP4]
In southern California, Shortwave Infrared images from all 4 satellites (below) displayed thermal signatures (dark black to red pixels) from wildfires burning near Los Angeles. Thermal signatures varied between the 4 satellites, based upon differences in spatial resolution, viewing angle, and intermittent fire thermal signal attenuation by high clouds moving over the area. In the GOES-15 images, the occasional appearance of white pixels was due to a “roll-over” issue — where extremely hot temperatures get displayed as cold (white).
From left to right, GOES-17, GOES-15, GOES-14 and GOES-16 Shortwave Infrared images [click to play animation | MP4]
The raw GOES data was acquired and processed by SSEC Satellite Data Services.