Typhoon Vongfong makes landfall in the Philippines
JMA 2.5-minute rapid scan Himawari-8 “Clean” Infrared Window (10.4 µm) images (above) showed Typhoon Vongfong during the 24 hours covering its rapid intensification to Category 3 intensity on 13 May (ADT | SATCON) and eventual landfall on Samar Island in the Philippines as a Category 2 storm on 14 May 2020. There were intermittent appearances of a well-defined eye, as well as multiple eyewall convective bursts during that period.A toggle between NOAA-20 VIIRS Day/Night Band (0.7 µm) and Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images (below) offered a nighttime view of Vongfong at 1703 UTC on 13 May. There was ample illumination from the Moon (in the Waning Gibbous phase, at 61% of Full) to provide a detailed Day/Night Band image of the tropical cyclone when it was at Category 2 intensity.
Suomi NPP VIIRS True Color Red-Green-Blue (RGB) and Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images as viewed using RealEarth (below) showed Vongfong around the time it was making landfall shortly after 04 UTC on 14 May.