Geostationary Satellite Matching Webapp
A webapp that was developed to match images and hence learn about the ABI spectral bands. After navigating to the page, click and hold on an image, draw a line to the matching image. You can “right click” to open an image. Finally click on the yellow “check” box to verify your selections.
8 Spectral bands

A (30 sec) movie (mp4) showing how to use the matching webapp for 8 of the ABI spectral bands. (Click to play)
One option is to match 8 of the total 16 ABI spectral bands.
16 Spectral bands
Another option is to match all 16 ABI spectral bands.
Matching Visible bands to ground-based photos
With this webapp, one matches the correct ABI visible spectral band with a photograph that was taken on the ground. A short (30-sec) animation on running the webapp: mp4 or mov.
How to use this webapp with your images
Check out this site for directions on how to build a web page to match pairs of images. This webapp is Copyright © 2018 by Tom Whittaker. Images from T. Schmit and NOAA. Inspired by Jordan Gerth’s ABI Matching game.
Questions and other Webapps
Webapps have been developed to demonstrate other concepts of remote sensing, such as pixel size and generating composites.
For any questions.