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Category: Training

Creating AMSR-2 imagery to overlay on top of GOES imagery

Geo2grid software was used to create the three true-color animations below, using GOES-16 Full-Disk Level-1b Radiance data over the tropical Atlantic. ABI gives a vivid representation of the cloud patterns associated with a tropical wave developing (near 35oW on 27 June, near 40oW on 28 June, and approaching 50oW on... Read More

Blowing snow signature over northern Hudson Bay

At the CIMSS Satellite Blog, we occasionally get emails from our readers. Yesterday’s (6 February 2024) email included this one: I was doing some forecasting for the Canadian Arctic today and noticed a veryimpressive blowing snow signature on satellite; not that blowing snow isuncommon up there, but rather that the... Read More

Using CSPP’s polar2grid to create mappings of sea-surface temperature

The Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) allows a user to manipulate VIIRS data to create high-quality, full-resolution imagery (see, for example, this I05 example, and this Day Night Band example, and this I01 example). In addition to single-band images, imagery for products such as Advanced Clear Sky Processor for Ocean (ACSPO) sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) can also be created, as shown above. Polar2grid software... Read More