Tropical Storm Jimena
GOES-15 Visible (0.63 µm) images (above; click image to play animation) showed the low-level circulation center (LLCC) of Tropical Storm Jimena becoming exposed as the tropical cyclone encountered increasing amounts of westerly deep-layer wind shear. Jimena had rapidly intensified to a Category 4 hurricane over the East Pacific Ocean in late August and early September (path | ADT plot).Before sunrise, Suomi NPP VIIRS imagery (below; click to enlarge) was useful to help locate the LLCC, as was noted in a discussion issued by the Central Pacific Hurricane Center.
A DMSP-18 SSMIS Microwave (85 GHz) image at 1733 UTC (below; click to enlarge) showed a signature of significant rainfall rates (orange to red color enhancement) within the deep convection that remained well to the east of the LLCC.