Smoke from Canadian fires over the Upper Midwest states
Wildfires had been burning across portions of the northern prairie provinces of Canada during early to mid July, and GOES-13 visible images (above) showed that a thick plume of smoke was drawn southward and eastward across the Upper Midwest states on 15 July 2010.
A POES AVHRR false color Red/Green/Blue (RGB) image (below) created using channels 01/02/04 showed the location of the thickest part of the smoke plume moving across North Dakota at 23:41 UTC.
The MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) product (below) showed AOD values as high as 0.9 to 1.0 along the North Dakota / Minnesota border region.
The smoke aloft contributed to a rather colorful sunset, as captured the the University of Wisconsin – Madison AOSS building rooftop camera (below; also available as a Quicktime animation).