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Category: Meteosat

Cyclone Freddy intensifies to a Category 5 storm

US Space Force EWS-G1 — formerly GOES-13 — Infrared Window (10.7 µm) images (above) showed Cyclone Freddy in the South Indian Ocean, after it re-intensified to a Category 4 storm at 0000 UTC on 15 February 2023. Freddy then briefly peaked at 145 knots at 0000 UTC on 16 February... Read More

Cyclone Eunice moves through Europe

A storm named Eunice has developed over the British Isles and is causing severe winds, up to 122 mph observed at the surface. The storm is associated with a very active jet stream in the North Atlantic. Eunice follows another storm, Dudley, that hit England, Ireland, and Scotland on Wednesday... Read More