Applications with Meteorological Satellites
W. Paul Menzel
Office of Reasearch and Apllications
University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Tabel of contents
- Chapter1- Evolution of Satellite Meteorology
- Chapter2- Nature of Radiation
- Chapter3- Aborption, Emission, Reflection, and Scattering
- Chapter4- The Radiation Budget
- Chapter5- The Radiative Transfer Equation(RTE)
- Chapter6- Detecting Clouds
- Chapter7- Surface Temperature
- Chapter8- Techniques for Determining Atmospheric Parameters
- Chapter9- Techniques for Determining Atmospheric Motions
- Chapter10- An Application of Geostationary Satallite
- Chapter11- Satallite Orbits
- Chapter12- Radiometer Design Considerations
- Chapter13- Establishing Climate Data Records from Multispectral MODIS Measurements
- Chapter14- The Next Genenration of Satellite Systems
- Chapter15- Investigating Land, Ocean, and Atmosphere with Multispectral Measurements
- Appendix A- Eigenvalue Problems
- Appendix B- References
- Appendix C-Problems
- Appendix D-Exams