SRSOR (Super Rapid Scan Operations for GOES-R) Web Pages from 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 GOES-14 supplied 1-minute sample data during parts of 2012 - 2016.
Other links of interest and Training Materials
VISIT training session on 1-minute imagery for severe thunderstorm applications with GOES-R: CIRA
SSEC: All bands at full coverage/resolutions [With roam and zoom. Allows access to past days.]
J. Operational Meteorology by Lindley et al in 2016 regarding SRSOR for fires in OK. BAMS by Schmit et al in 2016 for an ABI overview. Wx and Forecasting by Line et al in 2016 and SRSOR use at SPC. Mon Wx Review by Mecikalski et al in 2016 and cumulus cloud updrafts. JARS ariticle by T. Schmit et al on SRSOR 2012 dataBAMS article by T. Schmit et al on SRSOR 2013 data
Wx and Forecasting article by K. Bedka et al in 2015 on the relationship between total lightning, WSR-88D and SRSOR data
CIMSS Satellite Blog Entries that compare SRSO-R with RSO and Standard Scans: Convection over Wisconsin, Detecting Overshooting Tops, Convection over the Southern Plains, Tornadic storms over Metropolitan New York. All SRSO entries in the blog are here.
GOES-R Satellite Liaison Blog has entries on SRSO-R: Link
CIRA has an archive of SRSO-R imagery at the bottom of this page
Web applet explore the effects that time and spatial resolutions can have when interpreting satellite images
STAR Seminar by T. Schmit in 2014
SRSOR Schedule that shows when scans occur; typically 52 per hour.
CLASS archive Select GOES Satellite Data - Imager (GVAR_IMG)
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory: Imagery
Remote Sensing Using Satellites: COMET
GOES-R Training