GOES-13 is the operational GOES-East satellite once again
GOES-13 became the operational GOES-East satellite once again at 15:45 UTC on 10 June 2013 (following recovery from an anomaly on 22 May) — the multi-panel image above shows all 19 bands of the GOES-13 Sounder along with all 5 bands of the GOES-13 Imager at that time.
The images below show the GOES Sounder 7.4 µm water vapor channel data using AWIPS, and the footprint change from GOES-14 at 14:46 UTC to GOES-13 at 15:46 UTC is obvious.
A comparison of all 19 bands of the Sounder instrument on GOES-14 and GOES-13 (below) shows some improvement in noise in a few of the bands (due to an “outgas” procedure being performed on the GOES-13 Sounder during recovery from the anomaly).

The transition from GOES-14 to GOES-13, as seen in 0.63 µm visible channel data from the Imager instrument
The transition from GOES-14 to GOES-13 is also shown above, using McIDAS images of 0.63 µm visible channel data from the Imager instrument. Once again, the image perspective is different, due to the fact that GOES-14 is positioned over the Equator at 105 W longitude, and GOES-13 is at 75 West longitude. This difference in satellite viewing perspective is very apparent when comparing the Full Disk views of 0.63 µm visible channel images from GOES-14 at 14:45 UTC and GOES-13 at 17:45 UTC (below).