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(Northern Hemisphere) Winter solstice

By animating daily NOAA GOES-16 ABI Full Disk visible imagery, how the Earth is illuminated over time can be seen. For example, the minimum in incoming solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere associated with the Winter Solstice. For details, see “What is a Solstice?” by SciJinks. Or this NOAA post.A Full Disk visible... Read More

By animating daily NOAA GOES-16 ABI Full Disk visible imagery, how the Earth is illuminated over time can be seen. For example, the minimum in incoming solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere associated with the Winter Solstice. For details, see “What is a Solstice?” by SciJinks. Or this NOAA post.

A year-long GOES-16 visible Full Disk animation.

A Full Disk visible (band 2) loop at 11 UTC, (9 and 18 sec long versions).

Interactive web pages

A demonstration of the interactive web page that allows one to annotate images, such as drawing lines.

An interactive web page with a years worth of GOES ABI Full Disk visible images at 11 UTC. The beginning date is the (northern hemisphere) winter solstice is 2019 and the end date is the winter solstice in 2020. A user can play the animation, as well as annotate the images. For example, draw lines along the terminator for different times of the year. One example might be to compare a solstice to an equinox. H/T Tom Whittaker, SSEC, for the webapp.


Screenshot of a 4-panel webapp image where one can annotate the image with lines along the terminator.
Screen shot of the webapp where one can explore the effect of the angle of incidence on sun’s energy. (Click on the image to go to the webapp.)
Explore the changing seasons on Earth by relating the orbit, rotation and solar insolation with this webapp by T. Whittaker. (Click on the image to go to the webapp.)

The Year in Review

A year-long loop from GOES-16 showing the Midwest. Only 18 UTC images are shown.

A year-long Midwest CIMSS (Natural) true color (during the day) and the nighttime cloud microphysics) animation from GOES-16 at 18 UTC. Since this are daytime images, only the true color is being seen. A similar loop as above, but with a duration of 37 sec or 74 sec.

Year-long, GOES-16 loops at 18 UTC have been generated for other regions, including: the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Texas and part of the Gulf of Mexico, Central US, Southwest, and Northwest. Similar loops from GOES-17 have been generated using images from 21 UTC for both Alaska and Hawaii. Note for the loop over parts of Alaska, the nighttime imagery is evident. These loops begin on the Winter Solstice 2019.

Year-long Hourly Loop over the Midwest

A very large (800 MB) file, showing a year-long (hourly) GOES-16 file over the Midwest (duration of 14 min). The loop is also on YouTube. Many features can be seen, including clouds, smoke and snow. This loop begin on the Winter Solstice 2019.

These images were made with either McIDAS-X or geo2grid, both from UW-Madison, SSEC.

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Ice leads in the Beaufort Sea

Suomi NPP VIIRS Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images (above) showed widespread ice leads in the Beaufort Sea during the 18 December – 20 December 2020 period. Some existing leads increased in width and/or length as they migrated westward, while some new leads were seen to form as land-fast ice fractured off... Read More

Suomi NPP VIIRS Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images [click to play animation]

Suomi NPP VIIRS Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images [click to play animation]

Suomi NPP VIIRS Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images (above) showed widespread ice leads in the Beaufort Sea during the 18 December – 20 December 2020 period. Some existing leads increased in width and/or length as they migrated westward, while some new leads were seen to form as land-fast ice fractured off the coasts of Alaska and larger islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

Suomi NPP VIIRS Infrared images with plots of NAM12 model surface winds on 20 December (below) indicated that the ice lead motion was influenced by surface wind stress — which also played a role in the clockwise flow of the Beaufort Gyre (the primary influence of ice lead motion in that part of the Arctic Ocean).

Suomi NPP VIIRS Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images, with plots of NM12 model surface winds [click to enlarge]

Suomi NPP VIIRS Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images, with plots of NAM12 model surface winds [click to enlarge]

CIMSS Scientists are working on a Machine-learning Ice Lead detection method, as described here.  The toggle below compares the MODIS and VIIRS computations of Ice Leads on 18 December 2020. Leads in this toggle are white; greys are suspected leads, but the detection algorithm ultimately could not confirm their presence. At present, the algorithm is challenged when leads are moving, as in this example. Note that Banks Island, on the right edge of the animation above, is in the lower left corner in the toggle below.

MODIS and VIIRS-derived ice lead information, 18 December 2020 (Click to enlarge)

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VIIRS views a winter storm

A storm dropped historic snow amounts over parts of northern Pennsylvania, upstate New York and New England on 16-17 December 2020 (Places around Binghamton NY, for example, received more than 40″ of snow as shown in this map from this site.  Click here to see the Binghamton Radar loop during the storm). ... Read More

NOAA-20 VIIRS True-Color imagery from 1814 UTC on 17 December 2020 (Click to enlarge)

A storm dropped historic snow amounts over parts of northern Pennsylvania, upstate New York and New England on 16-17 December 2020 (Places around Binghamton NY, for example, received more than 40″ of snow as shown in this map from this site.  Click here to see the Binghamton Radar loop during the storm).  The VIIRS True-Color image from ~1800 UTC on 17 December, above (created at the Direct Broadcast site at CIMSS, and available via LDM feed to NWS Forecast offices), shows the storm south of Cape Cod, and snow on the ground in the Mid-Atlantic states (the Great Valley in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania is particularly apparent)

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Satellite signatures of a Nor’easter along the US East Coast

GOES-16 (GOES-East) Mid-level (6.9 µm) Water Vapor images (above) showed 2 important signatures associated with the an intense Nor’easter that moved northeastward along the US East Coast during the 16 December17 December 2020 period (surface analyses): (1) the development of a baroclinic leaf signature related to the initial batch of heavy snowfall, and (2)... Read More

GOES-16 Mid-level (6.9 µm) Water Vapor images, with hourly plots of precipitation type [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 Mid-level (6.9 µm) Water Vapor images, with hourly plots of precipitation type [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 (GOES-East) Mid-level (6.9 µm) Water Vapor images (above) showed 2 important signatures associated with the an intense Nor’easter that moved northeastward along the US East Coast during the 16 December17 December 2020 period (surface analyses): (1) the development of a baroclinic leaf signature related to the initial batch of heavy snowfall, and (2) a broad deformation zone that lingered behind and slowly pivoted across the Northeast US, helping to prolong heavy snowfall.

1-minute Mesoscale Domain Sector GOES-16 “Red” Visible (0.64 µm) images displayed the well-defined center of the Nor’easter as it moved eastward off the coast of Long Island, Rhode Island and Massachusetts on 17 December (below).

GOES-16 "Red" Visible images [click to play animation | MP4]

GOES-16 “Red” Visible (0.64 µm) images [click to play animation | MP4]

Other features of interest included the development of clusters of parallel convective billow clouds over parts of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine on 17 December, near the rear edge of the departing Nor’easter — a comparison of NOAA-20 VIIRS Visible (0.64 µm), Near-Infrared (1.61 µm) and Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images (below) provided a detailed view of these billow clouds at 1639 UTC.

NOAA-20 VIIRS Visible (0.64 µm), Near-Infrared (1.61 µm) and Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images [click to enlarge]

NOAA-20 VIIRS Visible (0.64 µm), Near-Infrared (1.61 µm) and Infrared Window (11.45 µm) images [click to enlarge]

A time-matched comparison of Visible, Near-Infrared and Infrared Window images from NOAA-20 and GOES-16 (below) demonstrated (1) the advantage of improved spatial resolution for detecting such small-scale features, and (2) the slight northward shift on their apparent location on GOES-16 images, due to parallax.

Comparison of Visible, Near-Infrared and Infrared Window images from NOAA-20 and GOES-16 [click to enlarge]

Comparison of Visible, Near-Infrared and Infrared Window images from NOAA-20 and GOES-16 [click to enlarge]

1-minute GOES-16 Visible, Near-Infrared, Infrared Window and Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB images (below) showed the development and propagation of these convective billows during the 1600-1800 UTC period. A curious aspect of these billows was the fact that even though they exhibited colder infrared brightness temperatures than the surrounding glaciated clouds, the parallel billow band cloud tops appeared to be composed primarily of supercooled water droplets (brighter white on the Near-Infrared and Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB images).

GOES-16 Visible, Near-Infrared, Infrared Window and Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB images [click to enlarge]

GOES-16 Visible, Near-Infrared, Infrared Window and Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB images [click to play animation | MP4]

Additional information and images of this Nor’easter can be found at this blog post and on the Satellite Liaison Blog.

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